  • 學位論文


A probe into the perception and prevention strategies of mistreatment of personnel with different roles in child care centers

指導教授 : 李淑菁


臺灣托嬰中心發展歷程,私立除早於公辦民營,其於托育服務所應備的專業能力建制與培育中,亦具有領頭之價值。然而,從2019年至今,不當對待事件接連發生在公私立托嬰中心,引起大眾媒體關注,政府相關防範作為更因此隨之建置,如:監視錄影查調、高密度加強稽查、師生比降低、重罰等等,但卻始終未能有效防範不當對待再發生,且對於相關受國家培育的托嬰中心專業人員未覺察自身出現不當對待行為,及對於政府相關防範作為策略下仍持續發生不當對待行為等議題也鮮少談論到。 本研究從探討托育需求發展脈絡、人員專業能力及防範不當對待現行政策與制度等面向中,發現不當對待與托嬰中心不同角色的人員專業能力關係密切,因此,藉由深度訪談4間不同地區托嬰中心的托育人員、主管人員、負責人共12名受訪者,來分析探究托嬰中心不同角色人員面對不當對待的樣貌(行為、手法)如何理解、觀察;她/他們所處的組織文化與當下的政策制度規範對於不當對待會有哪些防範作法與策略;組織內身處不同時期不同角色的托嬰中心人員,有哪些可能會影響她/他們覺察防範不當對待所應具備的專業必要能力。 自資料分析中可以發現,有關托嬰中心不當對待行為或手法樣貌,含括粗魯、疏忽等,其中對於疏忽的定義存在模糊認定空間,除未有更清楚的認定,亦受輿論影響。而有關不當對待防範作法及策略,則依賴自我覺察及他者提醒,忽略托育現場人員於防範作為下受非一致性樣態影響,如:在職訓練師資的實務經驗,自身對不當對待的意識程度、原生性格與托嬰實務的適宜度、與托嬰實務工作相關的「職前」及「在職」訓練內涵適切性、核備制度下的不適任篩選標準效能等。另外,針對不當對待防範應備能力,可發現除與托育現場不同角色需求具相關外,其能力亦應具備實務照顧知能及不當對待問題覺察能力,此部分包含組織內負責人角色亦應具專業資格及直接經驗;托嬰中心不同角色人員須透過托育現場實務性的指導來導入在職訓練,以有效增強照顧知能及實務技巧等能力,其中對於無相關學經歷僅取得保母技術證者,其培育應與時俱進與實務現場鍊接,並因應實務困境需求,滾動式修正;於覺察上則應藉由實務臨場訓練來建置危機意識、識別、問題解決及應變溝通等能力。


The development history of Taiwan's childcare centers is that private ones are earlier than public and private ones, and they are also of leading value in the establishment and cultivation of professional capabilities required for childcare services. However, from 2019 to the present, incidents of inappropriate treatment have occurred in public and private childcare centers one after another, attracting the attention of the mass media, and the government has taken relevant preventive measures accordingly, such as: surveillance video investigations, high-density inspections, teacher-student ratios However, it has not been able to effectively prevent the recurrence of mistreatment, and the relevant state-trained nursery center professionals are not aware of their own mistreatment, and the government's relevant prevention strategies continue to occur Issues such as mistreatment are rarely discussed. This study explores the development of childcare needs, personnel professional ability, and current policies and systems to prevent improper treatment, and finds that improper treatment is closely related to the professional ability of personnel in different roles in childcare centers. A total of 12 interviewees, nursery staff, supervisors, and persons in charge of regional childcare centers, analyzed and explored how people in different roles in childcare centers understood and observed the appearance (behavior, technique) of inappropriate treatment; she/they What are the preventive practices and strategies of the organizational culture and current policies and regulations for inappropriate treatment; what are the childcare center personnel in different periods and roles in the organization that may affect her/they’s awareness of how to prevent inappropriate treatment? Possess the necessary professional ability. From the analysis of the data, it can be found that the inappropriate behavior or appearance of the child care center includes rudeness, negligence, etc. The definition of negligence has room for vague identification. Unless there is no clearer identification, it is also affected by public opinion. The practices and strategies for preventing inappropriate treatment rely on self-awareness and reminders from others, ignoring the inconsistency of childcare site personnel affected by preventive actions, such as: the practical experience of on-the-job training teachers, their own awareness of inappropriate treatment degree, the suitability of the original personality and childcare practice, the suitability of the connotation of "pre-employment" and "on-the-job" training related to childcare practice, and the effectiveness of the incompetence screening criteria under the verification system, etc. In addition, with regard to the ability to prevent mistreatment, it can be found that in addition to being related to the needs of different roles in the childcare site, its ability should also have practical care knowledge and the ability to detect mistreatment. This part includes the role of the person in charge in the organization. Professional qualifications and direct experience; personnel with different roles in the babysitting center must introduce on-the-job training through practical guidance on the spot, so as to effectively enhance the ability of caring knowledge and practical skills. Its cultivation should keep pace with the times and link with the practice site, and make rolling corrections in response to the needs of practical difficulties; in terms of awareness, practical on-site training should be used to build crisis awareness, identification, problem solving, and emergency communication capabilities.


Ann Clare(2012) 。嬰幼兒教保環境與互動實務(周淑惠譯,初版)。心理。(原著出版年:2014)。
