  • 學位論文


The impact of brand social perception and the bias degree of news platforms on brand reputation ─ The moderating role of Machiavellianism

指導教授 : 蘇威傑


建立優良的品牌聲譽是品牌經營的重要目標之一。品牌聲譽能夠帶動消費者對品牌的聯想與情感連結,亦是消費者對品牌快速評價的依據。一個品牌擁有良好的聲譽能讓自身從眾多競爭者中脫穎而出,成為消費者最終的選擇。因此良好的品牌聲譽也有利帶動消費者購買意願。品牌透過眾多方法建立品牌聲譽,廣告是最令人熟悉的方法之一。品牌經常透過在新聞平台置入廣告來塑造品牌形象,影響消費者的品牌社會知覺,並試圖建立品牌聲譽。而現今消費者逐漸懂得評價新聞平台,在此情況下,品牌社會知覺以及投放廣告之平台品質會如何影響品牌聲譽,成為重要課題。 本研究探究品牌溫暖、品牌能力以及新聞平台偏頗度對於品牌聲譽的影響,並將消費者的人格特質納入考量。以社會知覺、聲譽、馬基雅維利主義等文獻提出研究架構,設計新聞平台偏頗度差異操弄的實驗,測驗品牌社會知覺及偏頗度不同的新聞平台是否對品牌聲譽產生影響。本研究一共回收80份有效問卷,包含新聞偏頗組40份與新聞中立組40份。經過獨立樣本T檢定與迴歸分析得到以下結果:1.品牌溫暖對品牌聲譽存在正向影響。 2.品牌能力對品牌聲譽存在正向影響。 3.新聞平台偏頗度與品牌聲譽存在正向影響。 4.消費者的馬基雅維利主義傾向在較主觀的因素上調節作用較顯著。透過這些結論提供品牌及行銷人員在制定行銷策略時做為參考,亦提供給未來相關研究做為參考,提出建議給未來相關研究者。


It is vital for a brand to build outstanding brand reputations which can stimulate consumers to build association and affection with a brand. Also, with good reputations, a brand can stand out from its competitors and become the consumers’ choice. Therefore, good brand reputations help facilitate consumers’ purchase intentions. Brands use many means to build brand reputations. Advertisement is the most common one. To build good brand reputations, brands advertise on News platforms to construct brand images and to impact consumers’ brand social perceptions. However, consumers nowadays have abilities to evaluate News platforms. Under this circumstance, it is crucial to know the impacts which brand social perceptions and the quality of News platforms have on brand reputations. This study focuses on how brand warmth, brand competence, and the bias degree of News platforms impact brand reputations, and consumers’ personalities are also considered. With theories of social perceptions, reputations, and Machiavellianism, the research frame is constructed. To examine whether brand social perceptions and the bias degree of News platforms have significant impacts on brand reputations, 80 valid questionnaires are retrieved. By conducting independent sample t-test and regression, 4 major outcomes are gotten: (1) Brand warmth has a positive impact on brand reputations. (2) Brand competence has a positive impact on brand reputations. (3) The bias degree of a News platform has a positive impact on brand reputations. (4) Machiavellianism is more significant on objective factors. The conclusions provide clues for marketers to plan better marketing strategies and for scholars to have directions for future researches.


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