  • 學位論文


Barrier to Entry and Strategy of the Late Mover in the Food Delivery Platform Industry: A Case Study of GoFoodie

指導教授 : 郭曉玲


自2019年12月新冠疫情爆發,國人減少外出消費頻次,對於外送平台需求激增,店家對於數位服務接受度升高,外送服務串接成為首要選擇。外送平台產業裡原先已有兩大先進者(Foodpanda空腹熊貓、Ubereats優食),市場占有率高,市場競爭亦十分激烈,但外送產業處於快速成長期,仍十分吸引後進者,包含在2021年3月宣布併購foodomo的台灣零售業龍頭-統一企業。 本研究探討的個案外送平台「GoFoodie美食快一點」,針對其在進入外送產業所面臨之進入障礙形成及策略建議。本研究針對個案公司、辦公商圈已有簽訂外送平台店家及辦公商圈會使用外送平台的消費者三方訪談調查,從「第一次使用」、「持續使用」、「對於新外送平台認知」了解雙邊用戶對於外送平台的需求及使用上在意的因素為何,歸納出GoFoodie與外送平台產業的其他後進者面臨之進入障礙,亦探討GoFoodie面對後進者障礙可做的策略建議。 本研究發現外送平台產業存有的進入障礙有三:(一)市場存有跨邊網路效應(二)空間搶占資源(三)後進者資本不足,難以敵先進者,而除了以上進入障礙,GoFoodie還面臨兩個進入障礙:(一)利基市場開發速度不及先進者(二)消費者對於先進者系統學習成本。GoFoodie面對以上進入障礙,所做的可行策略:(一)以補貼消費者為主,調整店家開發成本及相關費用(二)行銷佈局,整合快一點餐飲平台資源(三)強化物流、金流、用戶服務完整度。不管為店家端及消費者端,皆以團體戰方式,打入鎖定的利基市場。


Since the outbreak of Covid-19 in December 2019, the consumers’ demand for delivery platforms has surged. Stores have higher acceptance of digital services, including of delivery services. In the food delivery platform industry, there are first movers , including of Foodpanda and Ubereats. They have high market share. Although fierce market competition in the delivery platform industry, it is in a period of rapid growth and also attractive to late movers. In March 2021, Uni announced about acquisition of foodomo. The study aims at the case “ GoFoodie,” and explores that the formation of barriers to entry and strategic recommendations for entering the delivery industry. This study focuses on the interview surveys of GoFoodie, shopkeepers who have signed with food delivery platforms and consumers who often use the delivery platform. From "First use", "Continuouly use", and "Awareness of using new delivery, " the study understands the needs of bilateral users for the delivery platform and the factors that they care about. Then, the study can summarize the entry barriers faced by GoFoodie and other late movers in the food delivery platform industry. The last, the study also explores the strategies and suggestions for GoFoodie, and also can be the role model for other late movers . This study found that three reasons of barriers to entry in the food delivery platform industry: (1) Cross-side network effect exists in the market (2) Space seizure of resources (3) Late movers have insufficient capital to rival first movers. In addition to the above entry barriers, GoFoodie also faces two barriers to entry the food delivery platform: (1) The speed of niche market development is not as fast as first movers. (2) The cost for consumers to learn the system of first movers. The study has some strategic recommendations for GoFoodie: (1) Convince existing stores to use delivery services (2) Educate consumers with the help of the shopkeepers (3) Integrate marketing resources and achieve high-volume exposure. Regardless of whether it is the store side or the consumer side, the strategy for late movers will enter the locked niche market by means of group battles.


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