  • 學位論文


Case Analysis of Digital Transformation: From 4C Framework Aspect

指導教授 : 巫立宇 郭曉玲


在中美貿易戰、新冠肺炎疫情等事件影響下,人類產生了重大行為模式的改變,企業面臨供應鏈斷鏈、顧客流失等的挑戰,也因此而改變營運模式。然而,在後疫情時代的新經濟浪潮下,未來世界將受「1.5公尺經濟崛起帶動之零接觸科技」、「總部經濟抬頭造成全球產業價值鏈移動」,以及「發展永續環境,打造韌性家園」的三大新常態所牽動,而企業勢必要快速應對趨勢改變,強化組織的韌性,提高面對災難時的應變能力。因此,數位成熟度對於組織的重要性迅速升高,數位轉型已不是一個選擇,而是一條迫切且必經的挑戰與道路。 本研究透過訪談與個案研究法之方式,了解顧問團隊在執行企業的數位轉型專案時之關鍵步驟與主要應考量的面向為何,再結合邱志聖(2020)策略行銷分析架構,探討數位轉型成功之企業個案,在成功轉型過後對客戶產生的外顯成本及內隱成本如何改變,並試圖歸納企業在數位轉型過程中如何運用新的營運模式與經營策略以降低顧客的各項成本,同時藉由策略行銷架構的分析結果歸納數位轉型成功案例的思維、作法與關鍵成功因素,以對後續為實行數位轉型之企業提供建議。 研究結果發現,企業在實行數位轉型之前,首先最重要的是必須對自身組織文化、營運流程、資訊系統等各面向進行審視,發掘企業內部的關鍵問題,再訂立與之相符的數位轉型目標。同時也須了解目前組織內部數位成熟度之高低,以及組織文化對於新知識與技術的導入之接納程度,並歸納洞察(Insight),以針對問題點著手發展解決方案,才能完整運用數位轉型的力量,將科技衍生的價值融入商業模型中。 另外,組織內部的文化培養與共識的達成,為欲進行數位轉型之企業應考量之非常重要的關鍵成功因素,因此亦建議未來有發展數位轉型相關計畫的企業,除了要投資在科技與新技術、新系統等的取得,也必須大量投資於組織文化的培養與新思維的導入,才能在數位轉型的過程中達到預期效益。 同時,以策略行銷架構分析後,歸納出轉型成功的企業應具備最重要的思維便是「以用戶或客戶為核心的思考模式」,且此思維模式不只要落實在銷售流程的層面,也要回推至產品發展的層面,將整體企業的運行模式從過去以產品為導向的方式,轉變為以客戶為導向,重視顧客體驗與流程的發展。因此,本研究建議未來企業在研擬數位轉型策略時,可以透過策略行銷架構理論進行分析,檢測當以顧客角度出發時,企業的轉型主軸與方向是否有符合「以用戶或客戶為核心的思考模式」,並且找出目前顧客體驗的痛點為何,進而發掘企業的關鍵問題,以擬定更有效的策略解決方案,達到數位轉型的終極目標。


Under the influence of the U.S.-China trade war and COVID-19, humans have undergone major changes in their behavior patterns. Companies are faced with the challenges of supply chain disconnection and customer loss, and therefore change their business models. Also, in the post-epidemic era, the world will be affected by "zero-touch technology", "headquarters economy", and "the importance of developing a sustainable environment to build resilience." Since the new normal is inevitable, companies have to quickly respond to it, strengthen their organizational resilience, and improve their adaptability to changes when facing disasters. Therefore, the importance of digital maturity to organizations is rapidly increasing, and digital transformation is no longer an option, but an urgent and necessary challenge for enterprises. This study discusses the key steps and main considerations when the consultant team implements a digital transformation project through interviews and case studies. Combined with 4C analysis framework, the study analyzes a case that has successfully undergone digital transformation. Also, the study discusses issues about how to change the explicit and implicit costs for customers after successful digital transformation, and how to use new business models and strategies to reduce customer costs. The results summarize the thinking, practices, and key successful factors of digital transformation cases, so as to provide recommendations for companies implementing digital transformation. The results of the study show that, before implementing digital transformation, the most important thing for an enterprise is to examine its own organizational culture, operating procedures, information systems and other aspects, discover key issues within the enterprise, and then set a digital transformation goal that matches it. At the same time, it is necessary to understand the current level of digital maturity within the organization, as well as the organization’s acceptability of new knowledge and technology, and summarize insights to develop solutions to certain problems in order to fully utilize the power of digital transformation. In addition, the cultivation of culture and the achievement of consensus within the organization are also the key successful factors of digital transformation. Therefore, it is recommended that companies with digital transformation-related plans in the future should not just invest in the acquisition of new technologies or new systems, but should also invest in the cultivation of organizational culture and the introduction of new thinking in order to achieve the expected benefits of digital transformation. At the same time, it is concluded that the most important thinking that a successful transformation enterprise should have is the "user or customer- oriented thinking". And this is not only implemented at sales process, but also product development and the overall enterprise operation. Therefore, this study suggests that when companies develop digital transformation strategies in the future, they can use 4C framework theory to detect whether it conforms to the " user or customer- oriented thinking ", and then find out the pain points of customers and formulate more effective solutions to achieve the ultimate goal of digital transformation.


Digital Transformation 4C Framework


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