  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Complementarity and Value Creation of Platform Ecosystem

指導教授 : 邱奕嘉


以往企業策略是以找出差異化建立護城河,來發展企業策略;以傳統價值鏈的線性思維,來提供產品或服務。但是近幾年來,由於行動數位與平台互聯網的興起,許多快速成長的大公司,開始結合多元且跨產業之合作夥伴,共同在自身平台上,透過彼此的網絡關係,各方貢獻資源,共享利益,建立生態系。 近年來在學術上,平台生態系已有許多不同面向的討論,本研究依循多位學者之研究基礎,透過個案探討的方式,來檢視個案公司LINE,此多環狀生態系中之三種角色「樞紐中心」、「合作夥伴」、「用戶」與其商業活動,就消費面及生產面的角度分析「生態系互補性」,並結合生態系中的「價值主張」、「價值獲取」、「價值創造」,進一步探討生態系的價值分析與設計機制。 本研究最終得出以下五大結論:一、多環狀生態系下的服務、獲利來源、用戶種類相當多元,故互補性會因為服務特性和使用上的情境不同而有所差異。二、越多生態系外的服務可以搭配使用,越能增加用戶對於生態系中服務的黏著度,增強網路外部性。三、生態系需不斷優化核心服務與技術,才能持續增加用戶對於生態系核心服務的黏著度,提高用戶轉換成本,甚至能提高平台覆蓋的效果。四、生態系在打造新服務時,需考量是否有太多普通型互補之服務,用戶若無法感受到與生態系中其他服務搭配使用的價值,該服務將失去市場競爭力。五、生態系的設計機制,仰賴生態系中各個角色和各種活動的力量,利用生態系之不同的互補性,來創造價值以及獲取價值,以建構出良好的生態系設計機制。 整體而言,本研究透過生態系互補性分析和生態系價值分析,進一步建構出多環狀生態系之設計機制。


In recent years, many fast-growing large companies have begun to combine cross-industry partners to work together on their own platforms, through mutual network relations, all parties contribute resources, share benefits, and establish an ecosystem. Based on the research foundation of previous studies, this study examines the “ecosystem complementarity,” “value analysis,” and the design mechanism of the ecosystem in LINE, the case company. This research finally draws the following five major conclusions: 1. The highly complicated multi-ring ecosystem result in different complementarity. 2. The more services can be used together outside the ecosystem; the more users could stick to the services in the ecosystem to enhance the network externality. 3. The ecosystem needs to continuously optimize core services and technologies in order to increase users' adherence to the ecosystem as well as increase users’ conversion costs, and achieve to platform envelopment. 4. If there are too many Generic complementary among the services in the ecosystem, it’s hard to generate value for users. The services of the ecosystem might lose market competitiveness. 5. The design mechanism of the ecosystem relies on the power of various roles and activities. The ecosystem is constructed by the design mechanism with different types of complementarities in ecosystems to create value and capture value. On the whole, this research has further constructed a multi-ringed ecosystem design mechanism through ecosystem complementarity analysis and ecosystem value analysis.


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