  • 學位論文

綠色供應商管理之實踐: 以A公司為例

A Study on the Practices of Green Supply Chain Management: Case study of Campany A

指導教授 : 羅明琇


近年永續開始進入供應鏈策略思維中,範圍從基本的合規延伸到數個面向的管理與審查。供應鏈牽一髮而動全身,這不只牽涉到企業本身,更需供應鏈上所有夥伴的合作。而品牌商身為社會及消費者的關注焦點,開始積極與供應商研擬對策、進行改革。將環境、勞工、健康與安全等議題都整合到供應鏈管理概念上,形成一個更為完整的供應商管理機制,使企業在多變的環境下更能接受挑戰,以利於企業的永續經營。 本研究以A電腦公司為個案研究對象,探討企業如何選擇重要的永續議題及如何經由方法論評估永續績效。探討個案公司在實踐綠色供應商管理所採取之作法及所遇困難,並針對其解決方法以策略行銷分析,比較實施之成效。希望能為有意實施永續供應鏈之企業提供綠色供應商管理作為之參考。


In the recent years, sustainability has become a critical issue in supply chain management, an evolution from mere compliance to multi-faceted measurements and audits. This requires corporations to change internal culture and operation procedures, involving not only the corporation itself, but also dictating cooperation of all supply chain partners. Furthermore, since branded companies are under constant attention of society and consumers, they have begun to actively work with suppliers to develop measures in line with sustainability. They have started to integrate environmental, labor, health and safety issues into supply chain management to form a more comprehensive supplier management framework that equips corporations with better preparedness for challenges in the changing environment. This thesis used Company A as the case study to explore how companies identify key sustainability issues and the appropriate methodology for sustainability performance evaluation. The paper also discussed practices and difficulties encountered by Company A in green supplier management, further analyzing its solutions with a strategic framework to assess the effectiveness of implementation. This research aims to provide a general set of recommendations to corporations who wish to execute green supplier management for achieving the goal of sustainable supply chain.




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