  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Context Marketing of Live Stream

指導教授 : 邱奕嘉


自2019年年底疫情爆發以來,全世界產業都遭受到莫大的衝擊,其中,旅遊業更是首當其衝,受大莫大的重創。根據聯合國世界旅遊組織(UNWTO)數據顯示,旅遊產業光在2020整年就損失超過1.3兆美元,同時國際旅遊數量減少將近10億人次。然而塞翁失馬,在疫情之地迫使下,許多產業進行了大規模的轉型。其中,「直播帶貨」更是因為疫情的影響蛻變成一股炫風,橫掃全球,特別是中國大陸,而作為中國最大的旅遊OTA業者-攜程集團,也因應此現狀,啟動了「旅遊復興V計畫」,並開啟了全新的商業模式:透過攜程創辦人兼董事長梁建章親自下場當直播主的「BOSS直播」,透過預定未來旅遊的方式進行直播帶貨,販售旅遊預售行程,並在2020年的Q3實現了獲利,成為疫情之下旅遊產業的一道曙光。 本研究所採用的理論為「場景行銷」模式,由馬修・史威茲在2020年於《場景行銷模式》書中提出,此書清楚地提及過往的行銷手法已不在適合現代網路普及的社會,並大膽地提出新的行銷架構理論,藉由透過實際的案例說明,配合其理論架構的分析,使行銷人員更能清楚洞察先機,非常具有參考價值。而直播帶貨作為當今時代的一個熱門商業模式,以場景行銷架構作為基礎進行分析非常合適。場景行銷模式是因應當今社會而生,當人們開始人手一台智慧型手機,隨時隨地都能連上網路;而品牌能藉由大數據分析追蹤顧客瀏覽足跡,達成「精準行銷」時,新的行銷理論應要被採納,而場景行銷模式就是一個誕生於當今網路世代的產物,它不同於以往的行銷理論,他更貼近現實,更貼近未來,因此作為本研究之分析基礎再適合不過了。 本研究將探討直播帶貨是如何提升品牌之場景化程度,並以場景行銷模式下的新顧客旅程架構分析直播帶貨是如何加速引導顧客在顧客旅程上前進,並形成正向的循環。本研究將採用個案研究法,因其適合用來回答「怎模樣」、「為什麼」之問題。本研究發現,透過直播帶貨的方式,能夠幫助大幅品牌提升場景五大要素之前三大要素,進而提升整體場景化程度,造就出更好的品牌體驗;此外,透過直播帶貨也能有效的加速顧客在旅程中的進程,並創造出正向的閉鎖性循環。總結來說,直播帶貨是一品牌能大幅提升顧客體驗的一好商業模式。


Since the outbreak of the pandemic at the end of 2019, industries all over the world have suffered a great impact, especially the tourism industry. Because of the impact, many companies had undergone huge transformations in order to overcome the damage brought by the pandemic. Among them, "live-stream marketing" has become viral, especially in mainland China. Being the largest Online travel agency (OTA) in China, Trip.com Group (Ctrip) had launched the "Travel Revival" campaign in response to the pandemic and used a new business model by letting James Liang, the founder and chairman of Trip.com Group, host the special “BOSS Live” and selling pre-order reservation of “Future Travel” products through live-stream marketing. Trip.com Group had successfully achieved profits in Q3 of 2020, which became dawn for the tourism industry under the pandemic. The main theory used in this research is called the "Context Marketing" model, which was proposed by Matthew Schweitz in the book "The Context Marketing Revolution" in 2020. This book explains that the past marketing theory is no longer suitable for modern society where every people have at least one smartphone in their hand and can connect to the internet wherever they go. Because of that, he boldly proposed a new marketing framework theory, by showing several actual cases and analyzed with the new context marketing theory, providing marketers can have a more vivid insight into the marketing world in today’s society, which also makes this theory valuable to use in research studies. Also, as a popular business model in today's era, live-stream marketing is suitable for being analyzed based on the context marketing theory. This research will explore how live-stream marketing enhances the brand's contextualization, and analyzes how it accelerates and guides customers moving forward on their customer journey. This study adopts the case study method because it is suitable for answering the "how" and "why" questions. This study found that live stream marketing can help brands greatly enhance the three key elements of the five elements of the context marketing framework; in addition, live-stream marketing can also effectively accelerate the progress of the customer journey.


