  • 學位論文

" ZAS ": 宏都拉斯的中小企業電子商務平台

“ZAS”: A Business Plan for an MSME E-commerce Platform in Honduras

指導教授 : 張大為




“ZAS”, is an E-commerce Platform in Honduras that provides Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises “MSMEs” a solution to transform their on-site business into an online one and provides a space for trade, where enterprises, institutions, suppliers, and the final customer can connect from nationwide, creating an ecosystem where MSMEs can thrive. For our final customer, ZAS is the Online Marketplace that offers a personalized and complete online buying service, from purchase to delivery at their door, not yet seen in Honduras. Even though this type of commerce is still young in the country, COVID-19 in 2020, accelerates the development of this industry and the telecommunications sector, providing more opportunities for investors to reach a potential market of 4.8 million current active social media users. In addition, ZAS will create network effects in the supply side (MSMEs) and demand side (Final customers) by implementing attractive business strategies to reach them.


E-commerce Honduras Marketplace MSME Platform


Acosta, G. (2020, May 14). Retrieved from LINC, LLC: https://linclocal.org/2020/05/14/honduras-mipymes-afectadas-por-el-covid-19/
Agencia EFE. (2020, October 5). Retrieved from AGENCIA EFE S.A.: https://www.efe.com/efe/america/economia/las-mipymes-requieren-liquidez-para-apoyar-la-recuperacion-economica-de-honduras/20000011-4360419#:~:text=Las%20MiPymes%20contribuyen%20con%20el,el%20pa%C3%ADs%2C%20seg%C3%BAn%20cifras%20oficiales.
DataReportal. (2021, February 11). Retrieved from DataReportal: https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2021-honduras?rq=honduras
Forbes Centroamérica. (2020, May 21). Retrieved from Forbes Centroamérica: https://forbescentroamerica.com/2020/05/21/una-de-cada-tres-mipymes-hondurenas-camina-hacia-la-muerte-por-la-pandemia/#:~:text=Pese%20a%20los%20desaf%C3%ADos%20que,900%2C000%20personas%2C%20seg%C3%BAn%20cifras%20oficiales.
