  • 學位論文


Shell Nouns in Mandarin Persuasive Discourse: A Corpus-based Move Analysis and the Pedagogical Implications

指導教授 : 鍾曉芳 謝承諭


網路提案是現代社會中常見的公民參與,也可成為華語教師在課堂上使用的真實語料。因此,更全面地掌握提案文類的本質、語言使用有其必要性。然而,由於提案為新興文類,因此有關這項文類的語言使用、寫作架構仍缺乏系統性的研究成果。 為了更全面地掌握提案文類的本質,本論文以 Join 平台提案文章為研究對象,透過「問題-解方」文步分析(SPSE模式)和語料庫研究方法,探索說服論述的文類結構與其中所包含的空殼名詞。除了釐清此文類的本質和文步分佈,也更深一層討論文步中的詞彙使用。由於過去的文獻中,較少有研究關注文步中的空殼名詞。因此本研究觀察文步與空殼名詞之間的關係,歸納提案文類中空殼名詞的使用與結構【修飾語-N】、【這/那/-量詞-N】、【N-是/為】、【這/那/-量詞-N】、【N-上】、【什麼-N】。最後,針對研究成果提出需求模板。 研究結果顯示「評價」是提案文類中必選文步,也是詞數最多的文步。意味著提案者在寫作時傾在這部分詳加描述,以達到說服的效果。而其餘皆屬於非必要文步。另外,各文步內的子文步也會根據溝通功能而產生不同的排序。如:評價文步中「重述問題」子文步佔比最多,再次點出正在發生問題或是困難,希望藉此提高讀者對問題的意識。 本研究也發現此文類中空殼名詞共有1,059個,並且平均地分佈在四大文步之中,不會隨著詞數多寡而產生大幅度地改變。各類語意屬性的空殼名詞也分佈地相當平均。其中,「問題」這個事件詞彙,不僅出現在每一個文步當中,頻率也都排在第一,是此文類中最主要的空殼名詞。最後,從語料的統計結果可得知【修飾語-N】這項空殼名詞結構遠遠高於其他的結構,此結構經常與心理詞彙及 事實詞彙搭配,凸顯出作者對事件的認知狀態、展現個人立場,具有聚焦的篇章功能。 最後,本研究應用上述的研究成果,製作出說服論述之需求模板,回應過去的相關研究,並將此模板提供給有需求的華語寫作者,期待他們能掌握說服論述的寫作策略。


With the rapid development of information technology, proposing online petition has been a regular way for citizens to participate in public affairs. The Public Policy Network Participation Platform (Join Platform) enables citizens to discuss and give advice on policy issues during the drafting and implementation stages. This kind of online proposal is a novel persuasive genre, which therefore deserves further investigation in writing structure and linguistic features. The aim of this study is to apply the methods of discourse analysis and corpus linguistics to investigate the text structure and shell nouns in the online petition genre. In total, 72 online petition texts were collected from the website and compiled into a corpus using the AntConc application. The collected texts were then annotated with reference to the 4 moves of the SPSE textual pattern (Situation, Problem, Solution, and Evaluation) and steps in each move. As for shell nouns in the moves, they were recognized with reference to the 4 structures [N-Cl], [N-beV-Cl], [Th-N], [Th-beV-N] proposed by Schmid (2000) and 2 Mandarin speaking structures [shenme-N], [N-shi] proposed by Hsieh (2012). The results showed that the distribution of the moves and steps varied across articles and that 55.56% of the articles were written with 4 moves. Especially, Evaluation was the essential move containing maximum words count. The findings of text structure implicated the significance of Evaluation in the online petition genre. Furthermore, 1059 shell nouns were found and evenly distributed in each move, and Went? (problem) was the most frequent shell noun in this genre. Besides, compared to other patterns, [Th-N] was the most commonly used structure which helped to present personal stance in the petition. The findings of this research were arranged to a writing Based on the findings of the research, writing templates of online petition and persuasive discourse were formulated to provide writing guidelines for advanced learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language.


Join platform Persuasive discourse SPSE Shell noun template move


