  • 學位論文

鏡頭內外的代間互動: 以智慧型監視器作為照顧工具的協商與實作

Intergenerational Interactions Through and Beyond the Lens: Negotiation and Practices of Using Camera as a Tool for Taking Care of Elderly Parents.

指導教授 : 胡力中


1996 年,世界上第一款網路監控攝影機在美國橫空出世,並隨著網際網路 與相關技術的普及滲透進家戶中,協同日新月異的技術發展陸續加入即時對 話、人形偵測等功能;同一時間,「在家老化」概念受到學界與各國政府的關 注,今日提及在家老化之時亦總不離「物聯網」與「智慧照護」的相關論述。 在各式物聯網的衍生產品中,智慧型監視器串連了不同年長者照顧需求的家 庭,在婦女勞動參與率快速竄升之際,監視器成為平衡家庭與工作衝突的重要 利器,卻仍鮮少受到學界的關注。本文除探索智慧型監視器進入家戶的原由與 過程,更希望將監視器作為探照燈,觀察過往隱身於家門內無法探查的代間互 動模式。 透過立意抽樣與滾雪球抽樣,本文徵得 13 位利用監視器照顧不同身體狀況 長者的使用者,採用半結構式的深度訪談搜集監視器的使用經驗與照顧心得, 本研究發現:一、監視器的裝設與單人家戶、老年夫婦家庭數量的增長具關聯 性。二、監視器將能有效扭轉傳統照顧工作的性別分工,創造不分性別、不分 出生次序皆能參與照顧工作的可能性。三、監視器的裝設恐對居服員與家庭外 籍看護工的隱私權構成威脅。四、監視器的裝設動機與使用目的因年長者身體 狀況的不同而有差異。五、監視器所促成之「單方面探視」將成為(後)疫情 時代的新常態。六、鏡頭內外的互動類型豐富而多樣,使用者因扮演著不同家 庭角色、以不同角度看待尊親屬照顧策略而發展出相異的使用情境。七、監視 器在馴化的不同階段獲得「安全」以外多樣而殊異的價值意涵。 最後,本文以為若能結合具完善偵測功能的監視器以及急難救助資源,再 透過家庭照顧者定時查看,將能於老年獨居比例漸升的時代,惠及更多年長者 及其原需犧牲工作與家庭生活的親屬。


In 1996, the world’s first IP camera was invented in the United States. From then on, with the popularization of the Internet and the ever-changing techniques, the IP camera and its descendants have become more and more prevalent. Meanwhile, the concept of “Aging in place” has been promoted by scholars and authorities and such concept has always been connected with “Internet of Things (IoTs)” and “smart care”. As one of the symbolic product of IoTs, the smart camera has benefited elderlies with different health conditions. Such application also ease work/family conflicts for middle-aged women. However, few research had mention how smart cameras have changed our daily life. This research aims to find the reasons and processes for the adoption of smart cameras and discover how the smart care shapes intergenerational interaction through and beyond the lens. The data of the research was collected from semi-constructed interviews with 13 smart camera users who use it as a tool for taking care of their elderly parents. The main findings are as follows: First, as more and more elderlies no longer live with their adult children, the smart camera become more popular. Second, the smart camera provides all siblings with an equal opportunity to take care of their older parents, regardless of their gender and birth order. Third, the smart camera may put a threat on domestic helpers and caretakers in terms of violating their privacy. Fourth, the motivations and the aims of using the smart camera are slightly different among families with diversified caring needs. Fifth, the "unilateral visit" facilitated by the smart camera will become the new normal in the post-pandemic era. Sixth, users’ relationships with the care receivers determine how they use the smart camera.Finally, through the domestication process, the smart camera has gained various values aside from “security”. In conclusion, the author proposed that a well-designed smart camera equipped with accurate detection and functional emergency service system that would automatically call out for help when emergent conditions occur. In addition, frequent checks by family members could be an affordable and feasible solution for those middle-aged children who try to balance caring duty and their career.


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