  • 學位論文


Practical Challenges and Social Cognition of Labor Inspection System in Republic of China (Taiwan) : A Discussion on the Current Situation of Labor Inspection in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

指導教授 : 劉梅君


由經濟部中小企業處公佈之「2021年中小企業白皮書」資料顯示,2020年臺灣中小企業家數為154萬8,835家,占全體企業98.93%;中小企業就業人數達931萬1千人,占全國總就業人數的80.94%。中小企業銷售額約為23兆5,555.13億元,占全部企業銷售額5成之多,顯示中小企業為穩定經濟及創造就業之重要基石。 在台灣,中小企業的優勢在於經營決策快,成本及風險相對較低,對市場反應敏銳,且中小企業中私人家族經營者較多,命令單一化,執行力強,能快速協調內部資源,使其效率及效益最大化。但中小企業在技術、資金、人力資源、資訊獲取等方面的能力相對較弱,對於勞動法令及安全衛生的管理及反應能力也相對不足。 本研究探討勞動檢查對於中小企業之成效,藉以瞭解各界對於勞動檢查制度的認知。期望能藉由資訊彙整與分析,讓政府制定政策時更貼切時勢與現況,對中小企業能有效地進行勞動檢查相關作業之輔導、訓練及訪查,最終以提升中小企業職場安全衛生水準、降低職業傷害發生為目標。 研究發現,不確定之政策環境、民意代表關切、檢查員人力不足、勞動法令之見解不一、資訊不透明等,是目前勞動檢查無法落實之原因。而這些因素容易造成勞動檢查員在執行勞動檢查時之困境及中小企業對勞動檢查的認知不足。改善現行勞動檢查困境之措施:中央與地方權責分配應明確,中央須提供明確法律見解供地方遵循,以及提供支援勞動檢查行政體系的資源。從勞動檢查員層面,提供檢查員實務操作之專業課程,以及重視勞動條件檢查員的福利及升遷管道等,都是可能有效解決目前面臨困境之方式。由政府輔導強化中小企業之職場安全衛生之觀念,具體做出承諾,建立良好的工作環境與工作條件,以保障勞工權益及勞工安全,使中小企業營運能步上正軌。


According to the " Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) White Paper 2021" published by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, there are 1,548,835 SMEs in Taiwan in 2020, accounting for 98.93% of all enterprises. 9,311,000 people are employed by SMEs, accounting for 80.94% of the total employment in Taiwan. The sales of SMEs amounted to NT$23 trillion 555 billion 513 million, accounting for more than 50% of the total sales, indicating that SMEs are an important cornerstone of economic stability and job creation. In Taiwan, SMEs have the advantages of quick business decisions, relatively low costs and risks, and responsiveness to the market. Furthermore, private family-run enterprises have a single order and strong executive power which can quickly coordinate internal resources to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. However, SMEs are relatively weak in terms of technology, capital, human resources, information acquisition, and managing as well as responding to labor laws including safety and health issues. This study investigates the effectiveness of labor inspection on SMEs, to discover the insufficiency and challenge of the labor inspection system. It is hoped that this study can contribute to the improvement of labor inspection policies particularly addressing SMEs so that SMEs have the capability to effectively carry out labor inspection-related operation counseling, training, and visits, with the ultimate goal of improving workplace safety and health standards as well as reducing the occurrence of occupational injuries in SMEs. The study found that an uncertain policy environment, public representatives' concern, insufficient inspectors' manpower, different opinions on labor laws as well as regulations, and lack of information transparency are the reasons why labor inspections cannot be implemented at present. These factors are likely to cause difficulties for labor inspectors in performing labor inspections and a lack of public awareness of labor inspections among SMEs. Measures to improve the current labor inspection dilemma include clear allocation of authority as well as responsibility between the central and local governments, provision of a clear legal opinion from the central government for local governments to follow, and resources to support the labor inspection administrative system. At the labor inspector level, the provision of professional courses for inspectors' practical operation, and improvement of welfare benefits as well as promotion channels for labor inspectors, are possible ways to effectively solve the current dilemma. The government should provide counseling to strengthen SMEs’ knowledge of workplace safety and health and make specific commitments to help establish a good working environment and working conditions in order to protect labor rights and labor safety, so that SMEs can get on the right track in their operations.


一、 專書
