  • 學位論文


My experience of Army aviation maintenance officer - the process of becoming mature leadership

指導教授 : 傅凱若


本研究採用自我民族誌作為方法學,探討個人自軍校畢業任官十一年軍旅生涯的經歷,由尉級軍官被領導,每位帶領過我的主官,用他們的方式,讓我了解身為航空保修幹部,為了飛機修護「日以繼夜,追求卓越」的信念;到晉升為少校所長,自己擔任主官,實際從事領導後面臨挫折、過程中也不斷遭遇衝突狀況發生,從而在經驗中學習,再從學習中自我成長。 經由書寫自己的故事,讓自己再次回顧過去的自己。並訪談帶領過我的長官(我被領導,對上)、同時擔任所長的同儕(立場相同,平階)以及我帶領過的部屬(我的領導,對下),分別從三個不同的角度來看我的領導與個人特質,讓自己更全面的認識自己。藉由與理論(衝突管理、目標管理、目標與關鍵結果)對話,了解管理階層、執行階層因立場不同,只要環境與制度沒有改變,衝突是無法避免的。而在訪談過程中,也讓我從「找到自己缺點並改掉」的想法中釋懷,正因為內省後,對自我認知的深度及境界重新改觀,認知到自己的不足,而如何及時意識到自己已經陷入迷思的旋渦後,學習自己在迷惘中脫困而出,才是更重要的。每個人也許沒有與生俱來的領導天賦,但領導是可以被訓練的一種能力,在重新塑造及內化後,領導是一種個人散發的魅力,每個人都能成為傑出的領導者。 最後統合自己被領導與領導的經驗、與理論對話的反思,擘劃出屬於自己的領導信念,作為讓自己再次前行的養分。


This research uses autoethnography as the methodology to explore the personal experience of 11 years of military career after graduating from the military academy. I was a lieutenant-level officer be led. Aviation maintenance cadres have the belief of "service around the clock, excellence demand" for aircraft maintenance; they have been promoted to major and become the chief officer. Then grow by learning. By writing my own story, allow myself to look back on past experience again. And interviewed the superiors who led me (I was led, upper level), my peers who also served as the director (same position, same level), and the subordinates I led (be a leader, lower level), from three different perspectives respectively. Take a look at my leadership and personal characteristics, so that I can understand myself more comprehensively. Through discuss with theories (conflict management, goal management, objectives and key results), I understand that the management level and the executive level have different positions. As long as the environment and system do not change, conflicts are unavoidable. During the interview, I was relieved from the idea of "finding my own shortcomings and getting rid of them". It is precisely because of the introspection that the depth and realm of self-cognition have changed, and I have recognized my own shortcomings and how to realize it in time. After I have fallen into the vortex of myth, it is more important to learn to get out of my confusion. Everyone may not have an innate talent for leadership, but leadership is a skill that can be trained. After being reshaped and internalized, leadership is a kind of personal charisma, and everyone can become an outstanding leader. Finally, integrate my own experience of being led and led, and reflect on the discuss with the theory, and draw out my own leadership beliefs as nutrients for me to move forward again.


沈耿立(譯)(2015)。解決衝突的關鍵技巧:面對職場中的權力不對等,何時該強勢,何時該求和(Peter T. Coleman, Robert Ferguson 原著)。台北市:商周出版。
