  • 學位論文


Research of Taiwan battery module vendor's entry to the supply chain of electric automobile - A case study of company S

指導教授 : 洪叔民


隨環保意識高漲,各國政府提出逐步禁售燃油汽車計畫,加上部分業者在技術上有所突破,純電動汽車的銷量日漸增長,並且將在可預見的未來取代燃油汽車。龐大的潛在需求量使電動汽車供應鏈成為近年最受看好的產業。其中電動汽車最常採用的鋰電池模組首次出現在汽車供應鏈之中。作為電動汽車的核心系統,世界各大車廠無不尋求與電池生產的廠商展開深度合作。而各大電池生產商也紛紛在由大車廠所制定的供應鏈規則中尋求自身的定位,準備共享龐大的潛在商機。 然而在目前的產業背景下,電動汽車尚未大規模的普及於大眾市場,尚無法確定各家車廠的地位是否會在將來的電動汽車主宰的市場中有所轉變。且電動汽車中最為核心且成本最高的電池系統而言,也尚未見到能夠同時達到性能、安全及成本較為平衡的方案,整體電動汽車產品處在產品生命週期的導入期與成長期之間,尚有諸多變數,也存在讓新的相關廠商進入的機會。 在台灣,除了原有的電池產業廠商,亦有許多大型企業紛紛因應此趨勢投入電池產業,形成一條橫跨上下游的電動汽車電池供應鏈。然而這些電池廠商的規模相對於世界知名的電池廠商仍有差距,缺乏直接與世界一級車廠合作的機會。 本研究將以台灣較具整合能力和規模且有意進軍電動汽車供應鏈的個案S公司做為目標,透過對S公司的現況、當前市場以及供應鏈現況進行資訊蒐集、訪談以及分析,並針對S公司提出進入電動汽車供應鏈的建議。


電動車 電池 供應鏈


With the rising attention of environmental protection, countries have imposed plans to gradually ban the fuel vehicles, and some manufacturers have made breakthroughs in technology, the sales of electric vehicles (EV) are increasing, and will replace fuel vehicles in the future. The huge potential demand has made the supply chain the most promising industry in recent years. Lithium battery modules commonly used in EV appear in the automotive supply chain for the first time. As the core system of EV, the world's major car manufacturers are all seeking in-depth cooperation with battery manufacturers. And major battery manufacturers have also sought their own positioning in the supply chain ruled by major car manufacturers, expected to share huge potential opportunities. However, EV have not been popular in the mass market on, and it is still uncertain whether the status of each car manufacturer will change in the market dominated by EV in the future. And for the critical and highest-cost battery system in EV, there is still no solution that can achieve a balance between performance, safety and cost at the same time. The overall EV product is in the introduction and growth stage of the product life cycle. The market is not stable, and there are opportunities for new related manufacturers to enter. In Taiwan, in addition to the original battery industry manufacturers, many large enterprises have invested in the battery industry in response to this trend, forming a supply chain spanning upstream and downstream. However, the scale of these battery manufacturers is still smaller than leading battery manufacturers in the world, and lack of opportunities to directly cooperate with world-class automakers. This study will take “S company” which has integration ability and scale and intends to enter the EV supply chain as a case. Collect the information and analyze to propose suggestions for S company’s strategies in entering EV supply chain.


Electric vehicles (EV) Battery Supply chain


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