  • 學位論文

「移精變氣」的道教符咒治療原理初探 ——以《祝由十三科》、《聖濟總錄·符禁門》為例

「Yijingbianqi」 A Theorical Study of Taoism Incantation Treatment ——Zhuyou and Shengjizonglu as examples

指導教授 : 謝世維


道教符咒治療術古已有之,並且相關的專業論述頗多,是古今修道有得之人自我治療以及隨緣懸壺濟世常用的一種特殊治療手段,經過千百年的實際施治經驗實踐而延續至今。究其實質,可以說道教符咒治療的本質為一種自成一家的醫療行為和方法,並具有獨特的道教特色和一定的宗教色彩。在歷代民間至官方的醫典中,一直都收錄有相當可觀的具有道教色彩的符咒(禁咒)治療方法的專著以及相關篇章論述,並且在千百年的施治實踐中得到了一定的官方和民間的認可,在相當程度和範圍之類始終佔據著治病救人時不可替代的重要地位,由此可見,我們今天認真研究歷朝歷代中道教符咒治療,挖掘出其中的合理因素服務今人是值得的、也是可行的,並非僅僅是宗教宣教展示行為或者是膚淺迷信的招攬信眾的手段。 本文選擇的研究分析對象以《軒轅碑記醫學祝由十三科》和《聖濟總錄符禁門》为主,因為二者既具有道教符咒治術療特色又同時被歷代官方以及民間醫界認可。本文首先將闡述兩個研究對象之間的關聯及對比,重點對其中用於醫療的咒、符圖以及所對應治療的病症進行詳細的解析,從中醫病理、道教的教內視角等多個角度出發,去理性、深入的剖析道教符咒治療,通過揭開其神秘性還原其技術性及可操作性,意在消除外界對於道教符咒治病術的誤解和偏見,希望讓其作為一項實際的醫療技術得到當代的正確認識。 「移精變氣」理論最早出自于《黃帝內經·素問·移精變氣論篇第十三》,笔者认为该理论是祝由術的核心理論及原理,其背後運作機理關係到符咒治療術是否具有「療效性」,而符咒的療效也是「移精變氣」的必然真實體現。筆者力圖通過對「移精變氣」的解析還原道教符咒治療術的原貌和本質,儘管在相關文本文獻中有部分道教宗教行為的記載,但是並不會動搖符咒治療術實為一項實質具有治病救人價值的醫療技術的本質。因此,本文意在通過淡化符咒治療技術的宗教色彩和外衣,將其真正的技術核心展現並做出相關理論和實踐分析。本文將在一定程度上對道教符咒治療之術去偽存真、正本清源,讓人們真正認識道教符咒治療的現實合理性和真實核心所在,充分體現其對於當今社會的存在意義以及實用價值。


祝由 符咒 聖濟總錄 移精變氣


Taoism incantation treatment has been existed for a long time in Chinese history and related studies never stops until nowadays. Taoism incantation treatment has been practiced for thousands of years and it has been a special kind of medical technique which could be applied in both medical treatment and self-healing. Basically, it is an integrated medical system, which contains its own Taoism property and distinctive style. The public always have some misunderstandings about incantation treatment. It is very often that incantation treatment would be interpreted as some psychological suggestion or superstition. For some reasons, after thousands of years of inheritance, many contexts about incantation treatment in Taoism classics and relevant documents we see today was enciphered and consequently the core contents are always disguised. Therefore, people often think incantation treatment as some tricks or superstition. But several Taoism incantation treatments were included in Chinese traditional medical texts from folk medicine to official medical classics. Meanwhile those treatments have been accepted in certain level by folks and official authorities though thousands of years of practice. In a way, incantation treatment is irreplaceable in terms of saving people's life. Thus, it is not some religious preaching or superstitious propaganda; it is worth it to research incantation treatments in ancient classics and to apply them appropriately to help the public. The theory of ‘Yijingbianqi’, which first came out in Huangdineijing, is believed to be the core pri nciple of ‘Zhuyou’ and Taoism incantation treatment, it is also the fundamental mechanism of incantation treatment. Meanwhile the incantation treatment curative effect depends on the artisans’ practicing ability or level. This article also endeavors to picture the original appearance of incantation treatment. Although in some historical documents there are some records related to religious rituals, it is still a valuable medical treatment. Therefore, this article tries to fade out the religious side of incantation treatment and analyzes its core as medical treatment. Furthermore, this article hopes through this article research to make the usage of the ancient for today and let incantation treatment as a true clinical application in the future.


參 考 文 獻
1.(明)張宇初(編撰),田文烈 等(修編並校).正統道藏[M].臺灣臺北:新文豐出版公司,1977.
