  • 學位論文

影響消費者之線上與線下購買因素分析 --以台灣服飾產業為例

A study of consumer's online/offline purchasing decision: The case of Taiwanese apparel

指導教授 : 洪順慶


現今的零售市場,實體通路業者受到電子商務衝擊而積極向線上拓展,而原先的電商龍頭也已開始紛紛透過併購、自行設立新型態商店等方式佈局線下,如亞馬遜、阿里巴巴⋯⋯等。不論線上整合線下亦或是線下佈局線上通路,近年來虛實整合的新型消費模式--全通路,逐漸走向消費者導向的消費型態,創造無縫接軌的消費體驗,是為各大企業積極努力的方向,零售商之實體和虛擬通路、資源必須不斷整合,必須打破傳統思維不斷創新。 國際的快時尚業者近幾年在台灣快速消長,而國內多家知名網路服飾業者動作頻頻,包含聯名商品、經營多品牌等,更有藝人、網紅爭相推出自有服飾品牌,不難看出服飾產業仍存在廣大商機。 本研究透過問卷發放的方式進行量化研究,綜合了解消費者購買時服飾的消費習慣和偏好、解構消費者在線下購買服飾以及線上購買服飾的消費行為、以及在消費的決策過程中受何種因素之影響最深,人口變數在消費者購買服飾呈現部分顯著差異,而在與購買過程之決策變數間則多不顯著,但能發現線上與現下的消費行為在決策過程中明顯不同。競爭激烈的零售服飾業者間,能提供對消費者而言是美好的消費體驗,提供吸引消費者之行銷策略面建議。


Nowadays, physical channel operators are actively expanding online because of e-commerce shocks, and the original e-commerce leaders have begun to deploy offline through mergers and acquisitions, such as Amazon, Alibaba. And new type of consumption has become more consumer-oriented, which aim to create seamless consumer experience. Fast fashion industry has experienced rapid growth and decline in Taiwan in recent years, and many well-known online apparel manufacturers have begun new business frequently, including joint-name products, operating multiple brands, etc., and more artists, KOLs launch their own clothing brands.It seems that there are still many opportunities in the apparel industry in Taiwan. This study conducts quantitative research through questionnaire, comprehensively understands the consumption habits and preferences of consumers when purchasing, the difference between online and offline behaviors, , and what factors are involved in the decision-making process of consumption. The demographic variables are significantly different in the consumer's purchase of clothing, but not significant in the decision-making variables of the purchase process. However, it can be found that the online and current consumer behavior is significantly different in the decision-making process. According to this study, retail apparel industry can provide a good consumer experience for consumers and provide marketing strategies to attract consumers.


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