  • 學位論文

消費者對豪華汽車品牌之滿意度與忠誠度的影響因素探討 — 以德日豪華汽車品牌為例

Influential factors of customer satisfaction and loyalty for luxury cars

指導教授 : 邱志聖


從台灣豪華汽車品牌的掛牌數在台灣總體車輛的市佔率於 5 年內從 16 %提升至 21.6% 便可以知道各家豪華品牌的車廠競爭將會日趨激烈。因此本研究欲深入了解豪華品牌汽車的車主對所駕駛的車輛品牌滿意度與忠誠度的影響因素,亦即什麼樣的因素會影響現任車主的滿意度及持續駕駛原品牌的意願,且未來換購時仍會選購該品牌的車輛。而本研究又將 AUDI、 BMW、MERCEDES - BENZ 及 LEXUS 分為德系豪華品牌與日系豪華品牌去做分析與比較。 本研究參考並引用邱志聖(2016)策略行銷分析理論及其它文獻,整理出六項影響因子:「車輛功能表現」、「重要他人影響」、「車廠與服務人員互動」、「信任」、「品牌心理層面認同」、「與業務人員往來關係」,並利用線性迴歸與中介效果檢驗方法,探討六項因子與滿意度的關係以及是否對消費者的忠誠度造成影響。而研究結果顯示,「車輛功能表現」對德日品牌皆無顯著影響;「重要他人影響」僅對德系品牌有顯著正向影響;「車廠與服務人員互動」僅對日系品牌有顯著正向影響;「信任」對德日品牌皆無顯著影響;「品牌心理層面認同」對德日品牌皆有顯著正向影響;「與業務人員往來關係」僅對德系品牌具有顯著正向影響。其中「車輛功能表現」與「信任」雖然對德日品牌的車主忠誠度皆無顯著影響,但本研究亦會針對現行社會趨勢對此兩因子對車廠的影響提出策略建議。 此外,本研究亦進一步論述研究結果所延伸的行銷意涵,並將行銷策略應用與建議提供給各車廠參考,進而使車廠提升顧客忠誠度的目標。


According to Taiwan government statistic, the market share of the luxury car has increased from 16% to 21.6% in the vehicle market within 5 years. Therefore, the competition among luxury car brands will become more intensive. In order to explore what factors will affect customer loyalty of luxury car, AUDI, BMW and MERCEDES - BENZ were classified into Germany luxury brand and Lexus was classified into Japan luxury brand for analysis and comparison. Citing the 4C Exchange Cost Theory and referring to the past literatures, this study uses linear regression and the test of mediation effect to analyze the impact of the 6 factors(Vehicle Function Performance, Important others Influence, Service center and Receptionist Interaction, Trust, Psychological Identity, Relationship between sales)and Satisfaction to customer loyalty. According to the research result, Vehicle Function Performance has no significant impact on both brands. Important others Influence has only a significant and positive impact on Germany brand. Service center and Receptionist Interaction has only a significant and positive impact on Japan brand. Trust has no significant impact on both brands. Psychological Identity has a significant positive impact on both brands. Relationship between sales has only a significant and positive impact on Germany brand. Although both Vehicle Function Performance and Trust have no significant impact on both brands, this study will still provide marketing strategy applications and recommendations based on the current trends. In addition, the study provides marketing strategy applications and recommendations to the car manufacturers in order to assist them in adjusting their strategies to achieve the purpose of increasing the customer loyalty in the future.


一、 中文文獻
