  • 學位論文


Changes on the Operating Strategies of the Film Industry Producers in the Internet Era

指導教授 : 黃國峯 傅浚映


隨著電影產業與科技發展成長速度、資金市場高密度相關,電影製作過程的高附加價值帶動周邊觀光與相關產業營收,以及全球化發展的產業特性,使電影產品市場需求變化受到經濟、政治及社會文化等總體環境的影響甚鉅。而在互聯網時代下,串流影音平台的興起,及互聯網屬性公司的加入,使傳統電影產業不僅加速提升電影產業鏈上各環節的競爭力,更改變電影製作營運上的經營策略與行銷模式。根據電影產業生命週期發展分析,產業需求正走向成長期趨勢,而互聯網應用讓電影產業的競爭優勢更趨向產業鏈下游觀影者對電影內容的喜好數據分析,讓許多互聯網公司及串流影音平台等公司利用會員制擁有消費者觀影習慣數據的下游廠商擴大議價力,互聯網資訊的平台交流也使電影產業製片商逐漸轉型製片全球化、內容IP本土化的新興電影產業趨勢。 在「互聯網+電影產業」環境趨勢帶動電影製作產業轉型,電影製片商可乘勢擴大電影內容IP附加價值最重要的就是上位者能否擁有互聯網思維角度的革新觀念,帶動電影製作產業與互聯網環境接軌。本研究藉由實地訪談三位電影產業議題專家對台灣電影產業現況分析與電影相關公司實際營運策略方案發現,現今台灣小型獨立製片商經營模式正藉互聯網應用進入轉型趨勢,透過互聯網團隊資料分析能力的建立不僅降低觀眾對電影喜好的不確定性,資方更可藉由觀眾觀影數據分析投報率以降低投資風險。 研究發現電影產業在互聯網時代競爭趨勢下有幾項改變:1.產業鏈架構由單向進行轉型成多元網絡式的電影產業生態;2.產業因互聯網公司跨域經營而提高競爭力並加速產業成熟;3.台灣電影製片商在互聯網環境下經營策略更趨向利用互聯網公司數位化分析提高電影內容IP的題材偏好,與擁有大型網絡串流影音放映平台合作,並以互聯網思維營銷的商業模式培訓電影人才,以擴大台灣電影團隊低資本高創造力優勢的效益。 本研究結論認為目前電影產業發展走向內容IP本土化加深與觀眾連結的產業趨勢,更需要透過互聯網降低搜尋各國多元文化的適切題材的成本。藉由策略形態分析將擁有優質創造力優勢的台灣電影技術團隊電影作品邁向國際化的方式,和串流影音平台的連結及網路文學創造提高電影創新題材的素質,帶動口碑效應與提高數位人才的團隊建立,才能夠在互聯網時代下提高台灣電影產業競爭優勢的綜效。


With the film industry is close to the speed of technology development and the capital market, as well as the industrial characteristics of the high value-added of movie making process, which drives the revenues of tourism industry and other industry related, and global development, the demand of film market has great impact by the macro environment. Because of the rise of streaming video platforms and the entry of Internet companies, the traditional film industry not only increases competitiveness of whole industry chain, but also changes the operating strategy and marketing strategy of the film producer in the Internet era. According to the Industry Life Cycle analysis, the demand of film industry is growing. With the Internet application, the competitive advantage of the film industry is more significant at the data analysis of movie content which customer prefer. Obviously, it will help many Internet companies and video streaming platforms which has the data of consumer viewing habit by membership expanding their bargaining power. The communicate of internet platform has enabled the film industry transfer to a new industry trend of globalized movie production and localized movie content intellectual property(IP). The change of the film production industry has begun through the "Internet + Film Industries" environmental trend. In order to take advantage of expanding the value-added of movie content IP, the superior of film producers should have innovative concept of Internet thinking, and make the film production industry connect with the Internet. The study analyzes show that the current situation of Taiwan's film industry and the actual operation strategy of film-related companies through the interviews with three film industry experts, they concluded that the business model of independent film producer in Taiwan has entering the transformation trend through the ability to analysis data by Internet applications, which not only help to cut the demand uncertainty, but also reduce the risk of investment from employer through the data analysis of the audience watching habit and report the rate of Return On Investment(ROI). The result of the study found that the film industry has several changes under the competition in the Internet era: 1. The industrial chain structure has been transformed from a one-way transformation into a multi-networked film industry ecology; 2. Due to cross-domain operations of Internet companies, film industry has been more competitive and become maturity; 3. The film producers have more opportunities to expand the benefits of the film teams with low capital and high creativity in Taiwan. In the trend of localized film content IP, we need to be in contact with the audience more frequently, it is even more necessary to cut the searching cost for the proper theme of multiculturalism through the Internet. Through the Strategic Posture Analysis, the team of Taiwanese film production will enhance the competitive advantage with high-creativity by internationalization, the connection of streaming audio-visual platform, and improving the quality to film innovation theme by literature creation on the internet. It can also bring the Word-of-Mouth effect and improve the team establishment of digital talents to enhance the synergy of the competitive advantage in Taiwan film industries.


