  • 學位論文


Lexical organization in Taiwan Mandarin: Evidence from word association tasks

指導教授 : 萬依萍


至今心理詞彙結構的相關理論和模型多數支持概念間的觸發連結是透過激發作用(activation)傳遞的。而影響該連結與激發的因素又涵蓋詞頻、具體抽象度、真詞作用(lexical effect)、詞性與音韻關聯。詞彙聯想測試被廣泛應用於心裡詞彙與記憶的研究,透過反應詞與刺激詞之間的關係,來追究詞彙聯想與擷取過程中各階段間的作用。然而目前多數與臺灣華語心理詞彙相關的研究並未以重要的語言學影響因素為實驗設計基礎,因此本研究目標以涵蓋上述影響特徵的自由雙字詞彙聯想測試,為臺灣華語心理詞彙結構提出一個概括性的探討。主要的研究問題分為兩大方向:(一)語意與音韻何者對臺灣華語詞彙結構的影響較大?(二)各種語言學特徵對臺灣華語詞彙結構的影響為何? 本研究提出的新興實驗方法,以平衡臺灣華語所有21個音節子音首,在雙字刺激詞的兩個子音音節首的分布,自10位(5男5女;平均年齡23.8歲,標準差1.9歲)臺灣華語母語語者收集共406個華語雙字詞彙。詞彙聯想結果顯示:(一)臺灣華語詞彙偏向以語意組構;(二)語意關聯以聚合關係(paradigmatic relation)為主;語意、韻尾、名詞刺激詞與反應詞間的一致性等在臺灣華語詞彙結構中有較強的連結。鑒於本研究尚有幾許研究限制,建議後續較大規模的跨聲調語言研究;而本研究探討人類大腦詞彙的組構能對於未來在人類與人工智慧的神經網路聯結上提供概括性參考與貢獻。


Current theories and models of lexical organization assume that the stimulation of an association results in an activation spreading to the related concepts within mental networks. Several factors have also been suggested to affect those connections to meet different purposes of lexical access such as frequency, imageability, lexical effect, lexical categories, and phonological similarity. Word association tasks have been widely implemented to psychological research of mental lexicon and memory; through the relations between stimuli and responses, different levels of processing are able to be traced. However, most research related to Mandarin lexicon investigated the associated responses without concerning linguistic features in Mandarin as the basis. The present study therefore aims to provide an outline of the lexical organization in Taiwan Mandarin by free word associations. Topics to be explored involve 1) the tendency of lexical organization, and 2) the influences of linguistic features in Taiwan Mandarin lexicon. With the new methodology conducted, in which the 21 possible onsets for disyllabic words and linguistic influences in Taiwan Mandarin are considered, total of 406 responses are collected from ten Taiwan Mandarin native speakers (age mean= 23.8 years old; SD= 1.9; 5 males and 5 females). The results of free word associations in the present study suggest the following: 1) a semantic tendency of lexical organization in Taiwan Mandarin; 2) the tendency of paradigmatic relation, semantic instead of phonological relation, rhyming relation, and the consistency of syntactic categories in nouns are presented during associations in Taiwan Mandarin lexicon. However, regarding limited literature and the small scale of the present study, further research on phonological organization in mental lexicon across languages is suggested. The understanding of lexical organization in human brains may contribute to the further research on the functions of associations and networks between human and artificial intelligence.


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