  • 學位論文


A Research of Critical Success Factors for Implementing Real-Time Location System (RTLS) in Medical Institutions

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


隨著國人對於醫療品質日益要求,醫療院所為提升服務品質與病患安全努力。當RFID技術日趨成熟,RFID即時定位可即時辨識身分及定位,許多研究指出醫療機構導入即時定位系統後可提升病人安全等無形或有形之效益,醫療品質的滿意度提升。本研究探討RFID系統導入建置於醫療機構,導入期會受哪些關鍵因素(Critical Success Factors;CSF)影響。運用德菲法(Delphi method)篩選出評選指標,再用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process; AHP)決定準則之相對權重,了解導入RFID即時定位系統之關鍵因素的相對重要性。受訪專家涵蓋醫療及射頻技術專業商及個案公司等專家,共計完成相關業界十三位專家的問卷,從中探討出醫療機構導入RFID即時定位系統之關鍵成功因素及其順序,共萃取出四大構面、十八項評估準則。其中以「系統建置成本」、「醫療機構高層支持」、「電子標籤成本」、「政府政策支持」、「系統維護成本」、「設備運作成本」為最主要關鍵成功因素。當進行RTLS系統導入之關鍵成功因素,重要順序一目了然呈現,助於預計導入RTLS系統的醫療機構,可充分了解關鍵因素,決定執行之策略研擬。研究結果強調「成本層面」與「支持層面」的重要性,透過專家問卷的意見表達,系統導入首要建置成本與政策支持,若缺乏充分預算計畫可能窒礙難行。高層的洞察力與決心,合理預算編列,俾能掌握關鍵成功因素。本研究事先蒐集相關文獻方式,並藉由資訊專家、系統商及實際導入之單位等各方面意見彙整,期使本研究更加週延,建立有助於將導入即時定位系統的醫療機研擬導入策略或後續研究者之參考具有實務參考價值。


As quality of the living have been improving day by day, people have been paying more attention than before to grasp the status of themselves own health condition as well as hospital has been endeavoring to service quality and patient safety issues. Utilizing the RFID for Patient identification and real time positioning have already became the trend in hospital as its technology is stable at this moment. This application were adopted broadly in abroad, there were many reports to prove this RFID application can embrace patient against safety issues and improving the whole quality level of health care system. This study conducted a survey with thirteen experts by using Delphi method and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) methods to calculate the survey results to determine the ranking of those key factors that RFID been introducing in hospitals. According to the result we found there were 4 prospects and 18 criteria could be as the significant factors to help hospital authorities on TRLS system set-up affairs. Particularity, the “cost” and “support from top management” were the key will greatly influence RTLS system set-up successfully or not. This paper demonstrated the efficacy and rationale within a service oriented for an RTLS setup issues by way of lecture gather、opinions collection from hospital experts 、system provider experts etc., tried to conclude with important implications for hospital when they are interesting in RTLS seu-up.


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