  • 學位論文


Carbon Inventory and Its Reduction Strategy During Planning and Designing Stages - Case Study of Shield Tunnel

指導教授 : 陳立憲


邇來因極端氣候變遷造成之環境生態困局;與能、資源短絀所造成之生存危機,各項產業無不尋思解決之道。以碳排放為例,台灣高居世界第27名(2008),其中 土木營造業之碳排高佔居總量之33%,亦亟待改進。故相關工程不僅應就傳統管理面向之進度、成本、品控與安全作考量;更應針對碳排與其減量策略加以探討。 本文以土木業較耗能之地下潛盾工程為例,先依國內公共工程會發展之經費估價系統(PCCES)檢索其機料之資源統計表,再用荷蘭之生命週期評估軟體SimaPro7.3.3;分析其碳排放量與環經衝擊,進而於規劃、設計階段預先檢討其減量策略,以整全價值工程之精義。 研究以高雄某一地下潛盾工程為例,於設計階段之分析求得工作井與潛盾隧道之單位碳排放分別約為5-13% (1.29-3.97 tonCO2e/m/m2);與87-95% (1.00-7.20 tonCO2e/m/m2)。依權重管理原則再行減碳策略以鋼材電弧爐加工及爐石、飛灰渣料替代水泥為顯著改善因子,將可減少約3%(29,223 tonCO2e)。而在本案所估之直接成本與求得之碳排總量得知,其單位經費投入之碳排為0.05-0.73 kgCO2e/元(NTD)。


The construction industry needs to mitigate carbon emissions from construction processes. Thus, we need to choose the most sustainable and ecofriendly alternative. Today, engineers are being tasked with requirement of selecting suitable construction methods that not only offer the most economical solution, but also minimizes impact to the environment. This study presents the methodology for estimating the carbon footprints generated from construction processes using the LCA tools SimaPro. A case study of the shield tunnel using this methodology in the planning phase shows that carbon footprints 1-7.2 tonCO2e/m2 and cost analysis 0.1-0.82 kgCO2e/NTD from PCCES . In addition, this study to changes of steel proceesing and reduces cement , that will be reduced about 49%(29,223 tonCO2e) as a method of emission reduction.


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