  • 學位論文


Dispatch and Logistic Planning of Emergency Response Resources for Compound Disasters-Taking New Taipei City as an Example

指導教授 : 施邦築


複合型災害之應變相較於單一災害複雜,2011年東日本大震災之複合型災情,引發重大人員傷亡以及經濟損失,而臺灣之地理位置條件與日本相近,未來極有可能面臨大規模之複合型災害。而災害來臨時,救災物力調度常為災害應變中最棘手之問題,如何有效地分配與調度救災物力以避免浪費或堆置無用,將是決定此物力 調度機制優劣的關鍵。 本研究引用101年度國家防災日地震災害狀況推演腳本,利用臺灣地震損失評估系統,對新北市進行災害境況模擬,以山腳斷層錯動,引發海嘯及核子事故,進行物力需求之推估,並檢討現行之地區災害防救計畫及相關作業程序在複合型災害下的適用性。探討現有防救災空間之適宜性,建議將距離斷層四公里及核子事故緊急應變計畫區八公里範圍劃定為複合型災害潛勢區,並不得將防救災空間設置於潛勢區內。以地理資訊系統套疊交通路網並進行防救災空間之規劃,以統一超商物流系統為例,建構國內物力調度運作機制,評估適當的防救災空間,規劃物力調度之最佳化路徑,建立「救災物力流通系統」。期望本研究之成果可作為相關單位後續救災物力調度規劃之參考。


The responses to compound disasters are much more complex than those to a single disaster. The compound disasters caused by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake led to a massive number of casualties and devastating economic loss. Taiwan shares similar geographic conditions with Japan, and, therefore, may also suffer large-scale compound disasters in the future. The most difficult aspect when responding to disasters is the dispatch of emergency response resources. Effective dispatch and logistic planning of emergency response resources, which avoids wasting resources and ineffective distribution, is crucial to the performance of resource dispatch mechanisms. This study referenced the Project of 2012 National level tabletop exercise for earthquake and adopted the Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System to conduct a disaster scenario simulation for New Taipei City. Demands of emergency response resources were estimated in the face of tsunamis and radioactive disasters caused by the dislocation of the Shanchiao Fault. The applicability of existing relevant disaster prevention and response sites for compound disasters was examined. This study suggests that areas that are distanced 4 km and below from faults and areas that are distanced 8 km and below from Emergency Planning Zones be designated as compound disaster potential areas. No sites of disaster prevention and response sites should be located within the potential areas. This study integrated geographic information systems with road networks to improve the design of disaster prevention and response sites. Furthermore, this study determined the locations and logistic routes of 7-Eleven logistics system, which served as an example in the simulation, to construct a domestic dispatch mechanism of disaster response resources, so as to evaluate appropriate disaster prevention sites and to plan the optimal route for logistic dispatch and planning and to establish a “logistics system of disaster response resources”. The results of this study are expected to serve as a reference for related organizations to dispatch and plan emergency response resources in the future.


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