  • 學位論文


The Usability Research of Wireless Presenter Operation

指導教授 : 鄭傅儒


自數位化時代的來臨,技術型態改變人們操作電子產品的操作方式,從早期單向按鍵演變到數位的觸控螢幕,人與人之間的溝通增加許多便利性,無論是在學校上課、企業開會、醫院會報以及公開場合的展覽與演說,人們不再需要使用幻燈片與投影片方式來進行資訊溝通,取而代之的是可隨身攜帶、一手易操作的無線簡報器;目前使用無線簡報器的族群大部分都以資深業務或者有簡報經驗居多為主要市場,而在高科技時代的電子產品,普遍追求新科技創新與顯現,同時也提高操作的複雜度,對於不常操作簡報器的人來說,產品握持及介面操作使用性難以同步適應,產生許多使用上之問題。 本研究從測試者模擬簡報情形,探討操作無線簡報器的使用,透過實驗分析進而提供更適切之設計與改善,並配合眼球軌跡儀來觀察實際使用簡報器情況,並歸納出使用者需求要點及產品使用性設計上之建議,藉以提升產品介面的操作績效,以建立產品設計規範。之後進行行為觀察實驗、問卷調查及蒐集不同簡報器的操作使用性資料。歸納介面辨識度、握持穩定度與主觀舒適度等評估規範,對於受測者操作後的感受以及操作失誤的數據可作為產品改善的參考。


Since the digital era, the way people use the electronics has been changed by technologies. From the early age of key button to the interactive touch panel control, it bring people more convenience for their daily communication. No matter in class, meeting, exhibition or speech, people no longer rely on slides for their data display. Instantly, they use a portable wireless presenter. The major demand for wireless presenter is from salesmen. Among the high-tech product market, most of products are designed with advanced technology but lack in the basic functions with user interface. To those users who have no experience in operating the presenter, they find difficulty in operating the product with unfriendly user interface. Hence, this is to summarize the user’s requirements and ID components through the Eye Tracking to investigate the user’s reaction further to understanding of a friendly design. The intention of this research is to analyze the user’s experience and reaction by operating the wireless presenter further to create a new model of ID. This will be done by observation, investigation as well as experimentation that result in an improvement plan by collecting the various user’s experience with different interface.


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