  • 學位論文

一個在Android裝置上進行整合測試的Robot Framework uiautomator 測試函式庫

A Robot Framework uiautomator Test Library for Integration Testing on Android Devices

指導教授 : 謝金雲 鄭有進


近年來Android裝置的市場快速成長,各家廠商競相投入裝置以及應用的開發。為了提升產品的品質以及降低開發成本,對產品進行自動化測試已成為必然的趨勢。為了提供使用者更多元的服務,許多廠商也在Android平台推出自家的應用程式,因而出現了許多跨平台的應用程式,若要進行跨平台應用的整合測試,容易受限於測試工具的不同而無法完成。本篇論文結合Robot Framework以及uiautomator測試工具,建立一個Android的自動化測試函式庫,測試人員得以使用函式庫中的關鍵字,以表格式的語法進行關鍵字驅動測試,並能夠藉由擴充測試函式庫完成不同平台的整合測試。


The Android market grew rapidly in recent years. Many companies devoted to developing Android devices and applications. In order to make quality products and lower the cost of developing, testing the products automatically has become a trend in software development process. Many service providers also launch their applications on Android. Often, such applications are offered and simultaneously used on other platforms. As a result, test automation is difficult on these cross platform applications due to difficulty in integrating different testing tools on each platform. This paper extends Robot Framework test library with uiautomator tool, enabling Android testers to write keyword-driven test cases in tabular syntax. As a result, testers can perform integration testing on different platforms by using existing or extending test libraries with Robot Framework.


[2] Ken Pugh, "Lean-Agile Acceptance Test-Driven Development, " United States: Addison Wesley, 2011, pp. 1-6.
[3] Jenkins ─ An extendable open source continuous integration server. Available:http://jenkins-ci.org/
[6] Github ─ An online git repository. Available:
[10] Robotium. Available: https://code.google.com/p/robotium/
[13] Calabash. Available: http://calaba.sh/


劉展君(2014)。基於Robot Framework的平行處理測試函式庫:以手機測試為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2014.00032
