  • 學位論文


Cultural & Creative Service Design for Folk Beliefs and Rituals : A Case Study

指導教授 : 王鴻祥


民間信仰儀式中的點光明燈和安太歲,是多數臺灣人年節時分會參與的信仰活動,也是臺灣多數廟宇香火重要的經濟來源。民間信仰是社會文化的產物,信仰往往因為民族的遷徒、自然環境與社會的變遷,而產生變化。本研究針對民間信仰儀式,深入探討、發掘民間信仰文化與信仰者間的連結,採用4D 服務設計流程,結合民族誌、隱喻及混成設計產生新的混成4D 服務設計方法,透過民族誌方法深入發掘廟方、信徒和民間信仰活動的關聯運作,結合隱喻及混成設計將慈祐宮現有的光明燈及安太歲之文化意象和傳播媒介整合,進行「人、機、境」改造,將信徒的燈位採用輪播方式,傳達宗教的人人平等思想,建立信徒增加信仰活動的體驗和價值,讓信徒感受更多的信仰加持。期望以民間信仰儀式之文創服務設計,來突破傳統模式結合科技,讓信仰文化得到多的傳播教化及傳承。


Most Taiwanese actively participate in the Pacifying Tai-Sui and Beacon-Lamp of the folk belief ceremony during the Chinese New Year, that is also the most important source of income of temple incense. Folk belief is a product of society and culture, faith often because migration, natural environment and social changes arising from changes in the nation. In this study for folk beliefs and rituals, in-depth study to explore, explore folk beliefs and cultural links between the believers, using 4D service design processes, combine ethnography, metaphor and blending designs to produce new blending 4D service design method. Through ethnographic methods in-depth to explore the temple, believers and folk beliefs associated operational activities, combine metaphor and blending designs to The Ci-Yo Temple existing Pacifying Tai-Sui and Beacon-Lamp cultural imagery and media integration, transformation of man-machine-environment, the believers lights bit adopt carousel mode for convey ideas of equality of religions, established faith of believers activity increased experiences and values, let believers feel more faith blessing. Cultural & Creative Services Design for Folk Beliefs and Rituals, breaking the traditional model combines technology allows multi-faith culture has been spread enlightenment and heritage.


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