  • 學位論文


The Information Model Research for The Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Taiwan

指導教授 : 杜壯


隨著全球化競爭環境的到來,我國企業朝著爭取全球化市場之路邁進的同時,各企業必須面對著一道嚴重的課題-企業資訊安全(Information Security)。依據Humphreys在2002年所述,全球商業環境因為資訊系統的遭受攻擊,每年大約損失150億美金。而台灣中小企業由於本身資源相對大企業而言較為不足,在建立資訊安全模式時,往往顯得有心無力。因此本研究希望能探討出適合中小企業建置資訊安全網絡之完善的資訊安全架構、方針,讓中小企業在有限的人力、物力、財力,能將資源投注在資訊安全的每個重要環節,促成各中小企業建構、檢視企業資訊安全時能專注於核心問題上。   本研究主要依據學者所提出的資訊安全所面臨之問題,歸納出四個主要構面:資訊軟體狀況、資訊硬體狀況、資訊人員、企業行政。運用線上問卷調查方式,洽請中小企業處將本訊息散播給各中小企業知悉,籲請台灣各中小企業主線上填答問卷。另一方面,本研究佐以專家深度訪談方式以補足研究上對於問題所需的專業資訊。最後,將量化、質化資料整理後,依據所得出的訊息描繪出資訊安全架構圖。


With the trend of the globalization competitive environment, the enterprises of our country face of a serious subject to strive for the globalization market-Enterprises Information Security. According to the research of Humphreys, the global business environment probably loses 15 billion dollars every year because of the attacking of information system. The small and medium-sized enterprises are comparatively insufficient as to big enterprise because of one's own resources to set up the way of information safety. This research hopes and can is it produce to discuss suitable small and medium-sized enterprises and build perfect structure of information safety, policy which believe the safe network of the interest, let small and medium-sized enterprises can resource in information safe each important part in limited manpower, material resources, financial resources.   This research sum up four and construct the surface mainly main basis on scholar puts forward faces safely: software state, hardware state, personnel sate, enterprise's administration. Then this research use the investigation method of the on-line questionnaire, on the other hand, research this assist by way of expert's profundity interview in order to got the expert opinion. Finally, after combine all quality information and quantity information, this research depicts the structure chart of the information security model for small and medium-sized enterprises.


9.全球資訊網網路安全問答(The World Wide Web Security FAQ):http://www.w3.org/Security/Faq/。
