  • 學位論文


A Robust Vertex p-Center Model for Locating Urgent Relief Distribution Centers

指導教授 : 盧宗成




Urgent relief distribution centers (URDCs) play a key role in emergency logistics systems established to respond to quick onset, natural disasters. This paper presents a robust vertex p-center model for locating URDCs on a set of given candidate sites, as well as allocating relief stations in affected areas to those URDCs. Particularly addressed in the models are uncertain travel times that are represented using intervals, instead of probability distributions. The objective is to locate p URDCs so as to minimize the worst-case loss in objective value. A key problem property that can facilitate the determination of the worst-case scenario, among an infinite number of possible scenarios, is analyzed. Since the problem is NP-hard, a simulated annealing (SA)-based heuristic was developed, to find robust solutions. Numerical results show that the proposed heuristic is effective and efficient in obtaining robust solutions of interest. In addition, we examined the impact of the degree of data uncertainty on the selected performance measures.


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