  • 學位論文

半導體通路商經營關鍵成功因素探討 -以加值服務型通路商為例

The Key Success Factor of Semiconductor Distributors-A Case Study of Value Added Reseller Distributors

指導教授 : 廖森貴 吳斯偉


近年來電子產業蓬勃發展,電子新產品多樣且快速求變趨勢下,使整體半導體產業規模日趨大型且多元化,從上游IC製造商到下游系統製造商整個產品供應鏈中,半導體通路商居中扮演重要角色及責任。 從提供IC產品規格資訊、技術支援、設計研發、 物流庫存、倉儲管理等服務,進而提供完整的產品解決方案,有效率地協助客戶開發新產品,縮短新產品上市時間 。 參考以往所發表的論文,大多數專注於大型半導體通路商個案加以研究探討,然而台灣目前中小型的通路商的數目還是遠多於大型半導體通路商的情況下,這些中小型通路商是否有潛力在這個快速變化的市場中,掌握各種核心競爭能力,發展其不同的關鍵成功因素,強化本身價值於半導體產業供應鏈中,繼而成為大型通路,值得我們探討。 本研究主要係以加值服務型通路商 (VAR: Value Added Reseller) 與大型半導體電子零組件通路商兩種不同經營模式為研究對象,藉由專家訪談調整其構面以及關鍵成功因素之後,再以AHP層級分析法針對中小型的通路商之經營者進行問卷調查,最後經由分析匯整出4項關鍵成功因素之構面,其中並包含有24個關鍵成功因素如下說明。本研究將以加值服務型通路商經營之關鍵成功因素為研究主題,並提出三點研究之目的與建議。 一、透過本研究,了解並探討台灣加值服務型通路商經營之型態。 二、利用文獻探討的方式,找出文獻中對加值服務型通路商有重要影響的因素,並加以分析探討。 三、探討加值服務型通路商其競爭策略與成長策略之發展概況。萃取出該產業之關鍵成功因素,做為相同屬性通路商同業之借鏡。


In recent years, the electronics industry was booming, a variety of new electronic products were move fast in the trend of increasingly large-scale and diversification in the overall semiconductor industry, From the upstream IC manufacturers throughout the downstream system manufactures of whole supply chain, semiconductor distributors play the important roles and responsibilities in both side. They provided IC product specifications, technical support, design materials, logistics support, inventory control, warehouse management and so on, and provide the complete total solutions to help customers to develop the new products, to reduce the launch time for new product. Refer to the past, Most of thesis focus on large-scale Semiconductor distributor, However, the quantity of small and medium scale Sales companies still more than the large-scale semiconductor distributor, whether they have the ability to control the various core competitiveness in this rapidly changing market, to develop the different key success factors, to strengthen its value in the semiconductor industry supply chain and then become a large-scale semiconductor distributor ,that are worth a discussion among us. This study to consider two different business models between the value of the service-oriented distributor (VAR: Value Added Re-seller) and the large-scale semiconductor electronic component distributor, Via expert interviews to adjust their perspectives and key success factors, and then provide the questionnaires by Analytic Hierarchy Process tools (AHP) for the small and medium scale sale companies, through the analysis to collect four dimensions of the key success factors, which contains 24 key success factors as described below. This theme research of the study as the key success factors of Value Added Re-seller, to propose three purpose and suggestions as following list: 1. Through this research to understand and explore the business model of Value Added Re-seller in Taiwan industy. 2. Using literature research to identify the Key Success Factors, to find out the major impact for the Value Added Re-seller. 3. To explore the competitive strategy and growth strategy of Service-oriented distributor with the same industry development. As the reference criterion for the same attributes distributors. Finally, wish this research is useful for all of the same attributes VAR distributors.


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