  • 學位論文


The Research of the Business Strategy and competitive Model - A Case Study of Construction Industry

指導教授 : 廖森貴


近年來在國內高科技產業以及資通訊產業快速發展的情況之下,營建業者的獲利情況有越來越衰退的趨勢,內政部營建署(2009)指出政府為刺激國內景氣復甦,積極推動擴大內需的計畫,促使營建廠相繼調高承攬公共工程的份額,然而在國內營建市場的高度競爭之下,營建業者為了能取得工程,採用低價搶標的方式,導致工程品質較差,以及工期落後,使得工程款無法如期取得,導致公司週轉失靈,而產生經營虧損,即營建產業經營環境漸難。因此如何有效提升公司的經營績效,以提高企業的競爭力,使得營建業者能有效率永續經營,是值得深入研究的課題。 本研究透過深度訪談法探討營建業之經營策略、競爭模式以及商業模式,而企業的策略運用主要為因應外在和內在的競爭環境,以及提升營運績效,在探討經營策略方面,將針對企業核心能力、企業重要資源、外包策略考量,以及企業再造策略考量等進行分析;在探討競爭模式方面,將針對企業在產業當中和其他公司合作關係進行分析;在探討商業模式方面,將分析企業在產業當中的營運方式偏向紅海策略、藍海策略或是白地策略。 本研究之分析結果顯示,在競爭環境對經營策略之影響方面,資源基礎理論為主要的經營策略;在競爭環境對競爭模式之影響方面,價格競爭為主要的競爭策略;在競爭環境對商業模式之影響方面,上游藍海策略為主,下游紅海策略為主的商業模式應對。


管理策略 競爭模式 營建業


Due to the rapid development under the conditions of domestic high-tech industries and the ICT industry, the growing trend of construction industry's profitability is under recession in recent years. Construction and Planning Agency (2009) pointed out that the government is to stimulate domestic economic recovery, and actively promote the expansion of domestic demand plan to promote plant construction contract have increased the share of public works, but domestic construction market is under the highly competitive, and the construction industry use the low-cost method to grab the engineering target, resulting in poor quality of construction, and post-landing period, making project funds cannot be achieved on schedule, resulting in failure of the company turnover, generated operating losses, then the operating environment in the construction industry is more difficult. Therefore, how to improve the company's operating performance and to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, making the construction industry can efficiently sustainable management, is worthy of further study. This study is using in-depth interview to investigate the construction industry's business strategy, competitive model and business model, and strategic use of enterprise mainly in response to external and internal competitive environment, and improve operational performance. For the operating strategy, this study will focus on core capability of enterprise, business critical resources, outsourcing strategy, and reengineering the corporation strategy. For the competition model, this study will be in the industrial partnerships with other companies to analyze for enterprise. For the business model, this study investigates the mode of operation of the Red Ocean Strategy, Blue Ocean Strategy, or White Space Strategy. The results of this study indicate that the resource-based theory is the main strategy in response to the impact of competitive environment on the business strategy; price-based competition is the main strategy in response to the impact of competitive environment on the competitive model; The Blue Ocean Strategy for upstream firms and the Red Ocean Strategy for downstream firms are the main strategies in response to the impact of competitive environment on the business model.


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