  • 學位論文


Investigation of Feasible Patterns for the of Taiwan Automotive Industries

指導教授 : 陳柏全


汽車工業被稱為「火車頭工業」,是一項需要上、下游高度整合的產業,需要許多協力廠商配合,從設計、開發、製造、行銷、銷售、售後服務,乃至於廢車回收,汽車產業牽涉的範圍如此廣泛,所能帶動的經濟能量也相當巨大,是衡量一國工業能力的重要指標,是以工業強國皆以擁有自主汽車工業而自豪。 臺灣發產汽車工業業已60年,其中歷經多次發展模式的搖擺與轉變,本研究運用比較研究法,透過兩個以上國家之發展軌跡之歸納,進行資料比較,綜合中國大陸以及南韓、馬來西亞、西班牙、泰國之汽車產業發跡過程,比較我國汽車產業發展脈絡,依據我國及他國的成功或失敗因子,歸納具體可行之模式為研究結論,並提出具體建議。本研究以歷史呈現的客觀結果來探討台灣汽車工業自主的可行模式,並以各項國內外文獻加以考證,為國內產學界較少觸及的臺灣汽車產業發展歷程歸納出一套客觀的軌跡。


" Auto industry" as a "leading industry" requires tight consolidation of both upstream and downstream industries, which include design, development, manufacture, marketing, sales, customer service, and even the recycle of abandoned vehicles. The automobile industry covers such a wide range of different industries, and can drive the growth of economy to quite a high extent. The automobile industry, therefore, becomes an important measure of a country's industrial strength, and each developed country is proud of its own independent automobile industry. Automobile maufacture industry in Taiwan has exsited for over 60 years, and experienced different phases of transformation along with its development. This study compares the developing tracks of automotive industries of several coutries, such as mainland China, South Korea, Malaysia, Spain, and Thailand with those of Taiwan automotive industry. The key factors to successes and failures are compared and summarized. By combining the foreign and domestic literatures, this study deals with the developing trajectory of Taiwan automotive industry which was rarely touched in academia and industry. This study concludes the approaches to the success of automotive industry, and also proposes some feasible approaches of how to succeed the independence of Taiwan automobile industry from a historic view point.


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