  • 學位論文


The Risk Management of Earth Cover Natural Gas Compression Stations

指導教授 : 施邦築


覆土式天然氣整壓站興建過程雖毋需大量人力、機具、物料,惟建置整壓設備需透過較嚴密之組裝程序及技術,所組裝整壓設備主體要求相較於一般整壓設備風險性高,由於各類型零組件間之縝密關係,其與原結構體具有相互依存性之特性,故覆土式天然氣整壓站之結構體與整壓設備零組件組裝過程,亦產生可預知而不可避免或不可預知且無法避免之風險。 一般營建工程所衍生之風險,較著重於施工為主,然覆土式天然氣整壓站卻與一般營建工程相反,其風險著重於營運維護管理階段,由於覆土式天然氣整壓站之技術與構造有別於一般構造物,目前興建過程尚無相關法令規範可供遵循,以及站體構造(土建部分)興建完成無需申請許可,其潛在風險易隱藏於營運維護管理期間,一旦發生重大災害,其嚴重性亦可能危及鄰近建築物之公共安全,故覆土式整壓站之潛藏風險實為值得探討之重要議題。 目前國內尚無就整壓站建置訂定規範,然而其間存在著不可預知之風險,倘能運用ALOHA後果分析技術,輔以建置前分析整壓站發生災害影響範圍,以助於估算有效安全距離,作為救災人員制定防災應變措施及救災時之參考。本研究擬以實務所建置覆土式天然氣整壓站設施為例,從建置生命週期之角度,探討覆土式天然氣整壓站之建置風險加以分析與整理,並按其具有產生重大危害因子進行風險評估與辨識,以供瓦斯界贗續建置之參酌。


The Earth cover natural gas pressure regulator station construction process does not require a lot of manpower, equipment and materials. The process as well as the technology involved should go through a more rigorous safety and risk assessment prior to beginning construction. The pressure equipment and components used have a much greater risk of failure and should be held to a higher standard than that required of general construction. Due to the relationship of the various types of components with the main structure, the entire unit becomes interdependent. Therefore, the total structure including the pressure equipment component assembly is at risk. Better risk assessment , safety, and construction techniques can produced more predictable and potentially controllable risks than the currently unpredictable and unavoidable hazards experienced throughout the entire Earth cover gas pressure station. Given the general risk arising from construction projects, more emphasis should be placed on safety of construction including casing pressure of the Natural Gas station. There must be greater focus on the risk management phase of construction. This should include CNG Station technology and construction, as well as other related structures. This is not currently being done. There is no standard to follow concerning construction, or any guide to relevant laws that must be met in order to apply for permission to complete the projects. It is easy to hide the potential risks during maintenance operations, but in the event of a major disaster, damage to adjacent buildings may endanger the public. If earth covers the gas pressure points then the potential risk is greatly reduced. Currently, building standards do not address these pressure points. Given the existence of unpredictable risks; ALOHA consequence analysis techniques, supplemented by analysis of the overall pressure of the previous station building disaster (and the affected areas), may help estimate an effective safe zone. The development of disaster preparedness and response measures could greatly assist relief workers in case of a major incident. In this study, the intent is to build the entire Earth cover gas pressure station facilities, for example, from the perspective of building useful life. For the pseudo-gas industry to continue deployment of Earth cover gas pressure stations, building risk analysis and identification of significant risk factors is critical to safe construction.


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