  • 學位論文


The Study of the Planning Model by Green Building

指導教授 : 吳忠敏


自二十世紀末以來,人類已深刻體認到環境生態與能源、物資缺乏等全球性嚴重的問題,環境保護顯得相當的重要與急迫。台灣雖已邁入新興開發國家,在經濟發展的主導下,政府提倡的綠建築政策,在民間尚不夠落實。先進國家對生態、環保與環境品質的落實,比台灣進步許多,在邁入國際社會及面對日益嚴重破壞的環境問題,綠建築九大指標對於台灣建築規劃的重要性,已成為全球資源環境保護中,相當的重要及迫切。 本研究依據綠建築九大指標評選的台灣綠建築優良作品,包括學校類七案、住宅類三案、辦公廳類四案、其他類四案,合計十八個案例,運用資料包絡分析法對不同案例作品之間,挑選採用相同應用指標的作品,進行相對通過效率的分析,檢視適用案例的績效評估排序,探討評估指標系統對於國內建築實務層面的影響性;選定不同的建築型態,實證操作運用有效的小額資金投資,使建築物符合綠建築標章的要求。 經濟社會的高度發展,資源的大量消耗及生存環境的破壞,是已開發國家付出的機會成本,唯有業界多採用綠建築規劃,以低建築成本,取得綠建築標章認證、房屋所有者使用綠建築,皆是善盡社會責任的表現,減輕地球的負荷。


綠建築 規劃


Since the end of the 20th century, the mankind realized to the serious problems of lacking resourses.Environmental protection seems important and urgent .Although Taiwan is a developed country, under the leading of economic development, Green Building which the policy of the government is not enough to implement. To carry out Green Building, become quite important and urgent. In view of the dominance projects of (EEWH)to Taiwan’s Green Building, the thesis begins to study those approved cases of Green Building, including eighteen projects: seven educational institutions, three house projects, four office buildings,four other kinds.The purpose is to establish a normative investigation on the green design strategy which applied EEWH to figure out the influence and efficiency of the green Building today. Designated the different building condition, the real diagnosis utilize effective jot cost investment, causes the building to conform to the green building requirement. The economic society highly develops today, the commodity, the energy massive consumptions and the survival environment destruction, is already the opportunity cost which developed a country , only constructers use the green construction plan, by the low construction cost, obtained the green building , the house owner uses the green building, all was the friendly social responsibility performance, reduced the load of the Earth.


Green Building Planning


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