  • 學位論文


A Study on Environmental Aesthetics of Townscape-A Case Study of Taichung City

指導教授 : 林靜娟


美感經驗的創造長久以來一直是設計專業所關注的議題,而設計的主要目的便是為了創造美感與愉悅感。環境美學乃為綜合實證美學和環境心理學之學科,多數環境美學的學者將環境美學蓋分為三大類別,分別為「感官美學」、「形態美學」及「象徵美學」,其所關注的焦點在於以科學方法來解釋實質環境的刺激與人類反應之間的關係,運用實證美學理論,找出實質環境中刺激人類美好知覺的美學因素,並了解人類針對不同刺激而生的不同美感反應。 城鄉景觀風貌是國家發展最直接的表徵,反應了政府及民眾的環境價值觀,台灣整體環境存在著許多問題,為此,政府從「實質環境」的改善為出發點推動一系列的城鄉風貌改造運動,以提升環境品質。本研究整理分析政府歷年城鄉風貌改造政策,探討相關政策之環境美學內涵,對台灣城鄉風貌改造運動做更全面性的瞭解。 本研究以環境美學理論為依據,建立環境美學設計原則架構,經由邏輯化、系統化及理性化的調查,對相關計劃做一客觀的分析與評估,並以此作為評估城鄉風貌改造成效之依據。透過探討良好景觀風貌的美學原則,歸納出城鄉風貌景觀應有的環境美學特質,建立客觀的評估架構,藉以改善現有之不良狀況,提昇城鄉風貌改造之成效,亦可作為未來進行相似決策或環境設計時之參考依據,對城鄉風貌之再生及永續發展提供可行方向。


Aesthetic experience creation has always been a focus in the design area. The goal of design is to create an aesthetic feel and pleasure. Environmental aesthetics is a discipline that combines empirical aesthetics and environmental psychology. Most scholars of environmental aesthetics have generally divided the domain of environmental aesthetics into “sensory aesthetics”, “formal aesthetics”, and “symbolic aesthetics”. They are more concerned about how to use scientific methods to explain the relationship between environmental stimulants and human responses. By applying the theories of empirical aesthetics, they attempt to explore factors in the physical environment that can induce human’s perceptions of pleasure and understand human’s aesthetic responses to different stimulants. Townscape is the most direct representation of a nation’s development. It reflects the environmental values of both the government and its people. In Taiwan, there are many problems surrounding the environment. Starting with improvement of the “physical environment”, the government has initiated a series of Townscape Renaissance projects, in hope of enhancing the overall environmental quality. This study aimed to analyze the past government policies on townscape improvement and investigate the concern of environmental aesthetics in these policies to have a more comprehensive understanding of Taiwan’s Townscape Renaissance Movement. Based on theories of environmental aesthetics, a framework of environmental aesthetics design principles was constructed. Through a logical, systematic, and rational survey, a series of objective analyses and evaluations on related projects were conducted to establish a foundation for evaluating the performance of townscape improvement. Through exploration of aesthetic principles for creating a pleasant landscape, the environmental aesthetic characteristics of townscape were induced. These characteristics could be used to improve improper conditions in current projects and enhance the performance of townscape improvement. Moreover, they could serve as a reference for decisions or designs of similar projects in the future and provide feasible directions for townscape regeneration and sustainable development.


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[24] Ronald W. Hepburn,Contemporary Aesthetics and the Neglect of Nature Beauty, London:Routledge,2005。
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莊麗蘭(2015)。中央對地方政府補助計畫之可評估性衡量與執行評估 —以城鎮風貌型塑整體計畫為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.11073
