  • 學位論文


The Effects of Digital Game-Based Learning on Senior Vocational School Students’ Learning Motivation and Achievement: An Example of Role-Playing Game

指導教授 : 蔡銘修


目前高職資訊科教師在理論課程教學過程中,大部份授課教師皆是以講述法為主,較無法容易讓課程生動有趣。因此為提升學生之學習成就及動機,本研究主要探討「以角色扮演遊戲呈現之數位遊戲式學習」在高職資訊科學生對半導體製造技術課程學習成就、學習動機及學習保留之影響。本研究之研究目的有四: 一、瞭解角色扮演遊戲對高職資訊科學生在半導體製造技術課程學習成就之影響。 二、瞭解角色扮演遊戲對高職資訊科學生在半導體製造技術課程學習保留量之影響。 三、瞭解角色扮演遊戲對高職資訊科學生在半導體製造技術課程學習動機之影響。 四、瞭解高職資訊科學生對於角色扮演遊戲及演講式教材之態度和意見。 本研究透過準實驗研究法,以台北縣某公立高職資訊科二年級學生為研究對象,分派為實驗組45名及對照組43名,實驗組學生使用「角色扮演遊戲」,對照組學生使用「演講式教材」,進行為期兩週的教學實驗。於教學實驗結束後對兩組研究對象進行後測,並於後測結束後一週針對兩組後測成績前、後各5%之學生進行訪談,以瞭解兩組學生在使用教材後之態度及意見。研究結果如下: 一、經過兩週教學實驗後,實驗組與對照組在半導體製造技術課程之學習成就後測成績均顯著高於同組之前測成績,但經過共變數分析排除前測成績的影響下,實驗組與對照組在半導體製造技術課程學習成就之後測成績並無顯著差異。 二、在教學實驗結束後兩週,實驗組與對照組在半導體製造技術課程後測及延遲後測之學習保留表現上並沒有顯著差異,兩組學生各自對所使用之學習方式在半導體製造技術課程中皆能保留學習效果。 三、經過兩週教學實驗後,實驗組在半導體製造技術課程之學習動機表現較優於對照組。


In-class lecturing is a common practice for theory-based courses offered in vocational high schools. The boredom of the lectures often decreases students’ learning motivation and results in poor performance. In an attempt to enhance students’ learning motivation and achievement, “role-playing game show of digital game-based learning” is incorporated into semiconductor fabrication technology course offered for senior vocational school students. The purposes of this study were as follows: 1. To examine the effects of role-playing game on the learning achievement of senior vocational school students in semiconductor fabrication technology course. 2. To examine the effects of role-playing game on learning retention of senior vocational school students in semiconductor fabrication technology course. 3. To examine the effects of role-playing game on the learning motivation of senior vocational school students in semiconductor fabrication technology course. 4. To understand the attitudes and opinions of senior vocational school students towards the novel way of learning. A quasi-experimental method has been adopted to collect the data for this study. The participants were sophomore students of a public senior vocational school. Forty-five students were assigned to an experimental group, using role-play game as learning material, and 43 students were assigned to a control group, using in-class lecturing as learning material. After two weeks of teaching experiment, a post test was conducted to determine the effectiveness of role-play game as a teaching material. Students, who scored at the top 5% and the bottom 5%, were interviewed a week after the post test to collected their attitudes and opinions towards the role-play game. The findings are as follows: 1. Both experimental group and control group scored higher in the post-test than in the pre-test. However, the covariance analysis indicated that the two groups had no significant difference in learning achievement when the pre-test scores were controlled. 2. The experimental group and the control group were not significantly different in the post-test scores and learning retention of the semiconductor fabrication technology course after the two-week teaching experiment. However, the experiment group demonstrated higher learning motivation for semiconductor fabrication technology course.




