  • 學位論文


Applying Web Services and Multi-Agent to Collaboratively Resolving Supply Chain Exceptions

指導教授 : 陳穆臻


在資訊科技日新月異與網路蓬勃發展之推波助瀾下,企業面臨產業全球化的競爭,紛紛透過與供應鏈夥伴協同合作,思考如何將有限資源作最佳化運用、提高營運效率及競爭優勢。協同規劃、預測與補貨(Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment; CPFR)及協同運輸(配送)管理(Collaborative Transportation Management; CTM)則為供應鏈成員間之協同提供一明確協同運作方法與資訊分享程序。然而,各組織間之異質資訊系統乃構成協同合作之資訊交換的一大阻礙。因此,透過服務導向架構(Service-Oriented Architecture; SOA)與網路服務(Web Services)之開放性標準資訊技術元件的支援,得以整合供應鏈上買賣雙方與物流業者間之異質資訊平台,交換彼此所需之資訊。由於供應鏈成員於協同過程中存在著無法完全消弭之例外狀況,傳統上乃透過人工方式處理。有鑑於人工處理之諸多限制,例如,回應即時性不佳,協調過程中耗費大量時間,造成供應鏈服務水準低落;協調過程耗費大量人力參予;高昂的協調支出成與供應鏈協同效率降低。本研究考量代理人之特性,例如,自主性、社交能力、反應能力、主動力、理性)(Hasse et al., 1997),進而結合網路服務與多重代理人,透過系統分析與設計的方式,針對CPFR四種協同情境,提供一代理人自動化處理CPFR例外狀況解決方案之參考,期望改善現今CPFR人工處理例外狀況之缺點。


With the advance of information technology and the Internet, enterprises face the global competition by applying Supply Chain Management to enhance the efficiency of business processes with limited resources as well as to gain the competitive advantages. Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR), and Collaborative Transportation Management (CTM) provide effective methods for collaborative management among the supply chain partners. However, homogeneous information systems which exist in various organizations cause the information exchange among them being more difficult. Therefore, with the aid of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services, buyer’s, seller’s and carrier’s homogeneous information platforms can be integrated to reach information sharing. None the less, exceptions in the supply chain can not be eliminated completely and generally exception resolving manually. Because exception resolving manually has disadvantages such as high expenditure, lower service level, inadequate efficiency and longer process time. This thesis considers the agent’s characteristics –autonomy, social ability, reactivity, proactiveness and rationality (Hasse et al., 1997) and integrates the platform of Web Services and concept of multi-agent to automate CPFR exception resolving, and to improve the performance of exception resolving in supply chains.


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