  • 學位論文


A Study on the Awareness and Current Status of Chemical Management Services in Taiwan

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


化學品管理服務(Chemical Management Services, CMS),乃衍生自產品服務系統(Product Service Systems, PSS)的概念,供應商與客戶間存在一種長期的策略關係,以提供化學品服務及管理的方式取代銷售化學品。在這樣的模式下,將可減少化學品的使用量、節省成本及減少環境衝擊等效益,客戶可享有更佳的化學品管理程序;而供應商將可以提升產品附加價值、增加競爭優勢並可確保長期發展等優勢,創造供應商-客戶-環境三贏的局面。近年來,化學品管理服務模式在歐、美等國已有許多成功案例,特別是汽車、航空及電子產業,但在台灣似乎很少有企業實行。 本研究藉由文獻回顧與個案探討的方式,深入了解CMS發展情形,從中探討其效益、障礙及成功關鍵等要素,並針對國內化學品供應商進行問卷調查及訪談,以瞭解企業對CMS之認知及實行現況。研究結果顯示,其實台灣已經有超過十個產業的業者提供CMS或相類似的作法。國內化學品供應商對CMS各構面認知總平均數約在3.6 ~ 4.1之間,代表供應商對CMS有基本的認知。且國內確實也有企業提供CMS,比例約在三成,而平均年獲利率約在1 ~ 10 %間,證明台灣推行CMS模式是有可行性的。但國內化學品供應商認為對CMS具有瞭解以上程度僅佔全部之29 %,代表仍有許多企業尚未非常瞭解。根據研究結果,本研究建議政府單位推廣CMS的概念及提供CMS的教育訓練,並輔導適合之供應商和客戶導入CMS,也建議政府單位建立網站資訊交流平台,讓化學品供應商及客戶可以相互交流,並分享成功經驗,使CMS模式推廣至各產業。


Inefficient chemical usage during the process of product manufacturing will raise the cost and harm the value chain, generate wastes and damage the environment. Chemical management services (CMS), a popular and long been adopted in Western countries, is a new business model derived from the product service systems (PSS). CMS is a longtime partnership between suppliers and customers for providing chemical management service rather than just selling chemicals. By applying this model, the usage of chemicals can be reduced, costs can be saved, and environmental impact can be minimized; customers can enjoy better chemical provision services, and suppliers can increase the added value of their products and ensure a long term competitive advantage to create a win-win-win situation. CMS has been extensively applied among industries within USA and European countries. However, it has never been heard in Taiwan. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate the awareness of Taiwanese chemical companies on implementing PSS (with emphasis on CMS). An extensive literature review on CMS has been conducted and a questionnaire was developed based on experts’ opinion and mailed to the companies who have adopted CMS in Taiwan. Four in-depth interviews with personnel of 4 CMS companies were also conducted to get a better understanding the current status of CMS in Taiwan to help in evaluateing the feasibility and strategies on implementing CMS in Taiwan.


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