  • 學位論文


Application of Masking Effect of RFID on connectionless Power Swith

指導教授 : 李達生


目前就節能方面來看,在建築的照明裝置的耗能佔30~50%,往往照明燈具都是整排開啟不能依照人員移動而燈具跟著開啟關閉,浪費不必要的電力。我們希望能夠開發無需電力線的配置開關配合建築內的照明裝置,來改變大家的節能觀念。本研究即利用RFID標籤(Tag)的遮蔽效應,設計一無需電力線之配置開關,結合UHF RFID系統的遠距離讀取標籤資料和即時訊號反饋之特性,將此研究實現於LED照明燈具無需電源開關切換的可靠度,經由住商建築與家庭中環境遍佈裝設配置。本實驗利用無需電力線之配置開關構想啟發。利用實驗,我們來測試人數的多寡在室內空間所影響燈具使用的耗能變化以及系統的在此實驗的可靠度。將使室內設計人員對於開關的設置更加活化便利,也可提升室內美感,另外,利用RFID對資料的可辨識性,由電子標籤儲存不同資訊,以遠距離讀取實現自由開關切換照明,有效達成節能目的。


The lighting facility of buildings accounts for 30 to 50% of the total energy consumption. The artificial lights in the buildings are, in general, switched on in rows and cause a waste of electricity are to the difficulity of control access. Thus, there is the necessity to design and install the lighting system that operates in accordance with the access paths of occupants. This study proposes and developes an innovative connectionless power switch for the lighting system for easy access. The study applied the concept of masking effect of RFID tag to design the connectionless power switch, combined with the long-range UHF RFID system to read the tag label information and the characteristics of the real-time feedback signal. For the reliability test of switching capability, the connectionless power switch is installed to control the LED lighting system in the residential and commercial building. Based on experiments, the lighting system was studied on the effect of the number of occupants indoor and the control for switching light reliability. Energy conservation in lighting system is very appealing with the use of RFID for its information identifiability. The different data is stored in the electronic tags. The long-ranged UHF RFID system reads the data from the tag and then controls the switching of connectionless power switch to turn on and off the lighting system. Also, such power switch may provide the interior designer more flexibility and convenience in designing the configuration of power switch and enhance the interior aesthetic perception.


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