  • 學位論文


A Study on the Use of Renovation and Maintenance to Promote Urban Regeneration by Public Sector - A Case Study of Chengpin Fishing Port Neighboring Area in Keelung City

指導教授 : 彭光輝


「都市更新」為21世紀重要的都市發展政策,目前公部門在推動上,偏重以「重建」方式為主,對於「整建、維護」之更新推動仍處於緩步發展階段,且著重在建築物改善,缺乏對於建築物以外整體環境發展需要之配套考量。因此,本研究藉由文獻探討法及個案分析法,建立研究之立論基礎,並清楚界定研究核心價值,進而在此基礎上,從「公部門」角度切入,檢視台灣目前面臨發展課題,並探討國外運作機制,找出值得我們借鏡之處,歸納出可供參考的執行策略關鍵因素。 由立論基礎及相關文獻分析結果,本研究認為研擬「整建、維護」執行策略必須同時考量「經濟、社會、環境」等層面,在整體架構上應涵蓋「時間性(長期性)與空間性(整合性)」;本研究在此架構下建立公部門推動都市更新「整建、維護」之短期及長期執行策略機制,並建構於「規劃政策、推動組織、執行工具」三方面;再以「基隆市正濱漁港附近地區」作為實際個案操作,展現「整建、維護」短期執行策略機制實際執行的成果。 一個成熟的都市,應該提供多元的機制作為環境改善的方式,鼓勵以「整建、維護」方式進行都市更新,不僅可改善居住品質,提升整體環境,更可保有地方價值與社會網絡,是落實都市更新「增進公共利益、提昇都市機能」廣域效益之重要都市發展政策。


都市更新 整建 維護 公部門


“Urban Regeneration” is a major component of urban development policies in the twenty first century. For the current “Urban Regeneration” progress, the public sector is focusing on the “Reconstruction”. However, for “Renovation” and “Maintenance” phases, these two segments are still under the developing stages and are slowly developed into maturity. A lot of emphasis is still put on the existing building improvements, not a whole lot was considered for the overall environmental evaluation. Therefore, to clearly establish the core value and build the foundation of this research, the researcher applied the literature review method and inductive analytical method for the study. The researcher would examine the current problems in the Taiwan’s “Renovation” and “Maintenance” phases. On the other hand, the researcher would also look at the successful case studies of “Renovation” and “Maintenance” developments in the foreign countries. From these proven track records, the researcher would draw the strengths and critical elements of these case studies for further study. A mature “Urban Regeneration Program” should provide diversified mechanisms to aid environment improvement and will encourage by “Renovation” and “Maintenance” to carry on. Not only it may improve housing quality, promote overall environment, it may also hold in place the value and the social network objects of “Urban Renewal”. It will also increase the public interests and promotion of urban functions.The combining of the strategic planning and a comprehensive system will achieve this goal.


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