  • 學位論文


Carbon Reduction Assessment of Product Service System (PSS) - A Case Study of Washing Machine

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


鑒於近年來全球暖化議題持續受到重視,節能減碳不能僅限於政策宣示,更應從產品或服務之生命週期觀點,藉由永續管理模式落實節能減碳,進而達到永續社會的目標。近年來,為求降低能源與資源的耗用以及廢棄物的產生,產品服務系統(Product Service System, PSS)之概念應運而生,此一企業經營之新的商業模式,在開發中國家已然成為達到永續社會的一種新的利器。隨著工業化社會的發展,每家每戶皆擁有許多家電產品,例如洗衣機,其國內普及率高達9成以上,但由於社會型態逐漸改變,自助洗衣店也有逐年成長的趨勢,並且這也是一種典型的產品服務系統。 本研究意欲透過生命週期評估來探討家電產品之服務系統的減碳效益,並以家用洗衣機及自助洗衣機為比較研究的對象。研究假設在一360戶之社區,於傳統家用買斷模式下共使用360台家用洗衣機,在PSS概念下的商用自助洗衣模式下共享5台商用洗衣機,透過LCA探討其生命週期之CO2排放,並分別以家用洗衣機壽命之7年及商用洗衣機壽命21年為評估時間。 研究結果顯示,第一種7年的評估模式,傳統家用洗衣買斷之洗衣模式碳足跡為155,276公斤當量,反之商用共享洗衣模式碳足跡為64,310公斤當量。第二種21年的評估模式,傳統家用買斷模式碳足跡為465,830公斤當量,商用共享洗衣模式碳足跡則為160,532公斤當量。而此360戶住戶於模式不同的使用比例下,隨著住戶使用商用共享洗衣模式比例增加,其CO2的排放總量亦會隨之減少。 根據模擬結果,推行PSS之商用共享洗衣模式時,為達到減碳效益,其使用家用洗衣機的家戶數與共享的商用洗衣機的比例應為11:1以上,若使用家用洗衣機的家戶數與共享的商用洗衣機的比例小於11:1則較不適於推行PSS之商用共享洗衣模式。


Global warming has constantly been regarded as a major threat to sustainable development. Thus, reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions entails committed action through sustainable management practices based on a life cycle perspective. This approach is expected to aid in the effective implementation of carbon reduction. A product service system (PSS) is a new business model that has been adopted by many companies and is currently widely used in developed countries. When designed properly, the PSS can achieve not just economic benefits but also many environmental benefits such as dematerialization and carbon reduction. Currently, almost every household owns various types of appliances such as washing machines. Along with lifestyle changes, self-service laundries have become a prevalent PSS. This study investigates carbon emissions from traditional laundry practices (i.e., the use of domestic appliances) and self-service laundry (i.e., PSS mode) by life cycle assessment. We compare the life cycle carbon emissions of a community with 360 households, each owning a washing machine, with those of commercial coin-operated laundromat with five self-service commercial washing machines. This ratio was determined from an interview with an actual self-service laundry owner. The total frequency of washing using domestic appliances is 208 times per year. Two life span scenarios of washing by domestic appliance (i.e., seven years) and commercial coin-operated laundromat (i.e., 21 years) were considered for the comparison. Results show that for the first scenario, the total carbon emissions from traditional laundry practice amount to 155,276 kgCO2-e, with the highest emissions at 37.4% during the use stage, followed by 35.5% in the manufacturing stage and 26.9% in the raw material stage. The emissions from the transportation and waste stages account for only 0.2% and 0.1%, respectively. The total carbon emissions from self-service commercial laundry amount to 64,310 kgCO2-e, which mostly stems from the use stage (74.8%), followed by the manufacturing stage (19%). Conversely, for the 21-year scenario, the total carbon emissions from traditional laundry practice and self-service commercial laundry reach 465,830 kgCO2-e and 160,532 kgCO2-e, respective. The total carbon emissions from the PSS mode (commercial laundry) decrease when the ratio of households that adopt commercial laundry services increase. The threshold ratio of the number of households (each owning a washing machine) to the number of commercial washing machines that can reflect the minimum value of carbon emissions from the PSS mode is 11:1.


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