  • 學位論文


The Study to Construct the Troubleshooting Process Based on the M Corporation Maintain Cases

指導教授 : 陳澤明


本研究係以分析M牌汽車維修案例資料來建構故障診斷流程,使維修人員依其流程進行維修,以提升維修速度、能力與品質,進而提升客戶滿意度。因現行公司考績制度、人員異動及學習方法不佳情況下,導致維修技術能力斷層嚴重,故利用M牌汽車維修案例,將維修人員日常維修中之經驗值建立至資料庫中提供查詢,當維修人員遇到瓶頸時,可透過資料庫中相關案例查詢與分析作為參考。 本研究係將維修案例以內容分析法加以分析,概分成引擎、變速箱、車身、底盤及電系五大系統,進行故障現象分析並以次數分配呈現,而得到較常發生之故障現象。其次透過德爾菲法設計問卷並調查,得到專家共識後並建構成各系統之能力指標,進而將各系統故障現象建構一故障診斷流程,以提供學界與維修人員參考。


This study analyzes the M Corporation service information in repair case to construct the process with troubleshooting capabilities, In order to enhance the vehicle maintenance capacity and quality, promote customer satisfaction further. Cause in Company merit system, unstable employees and attitude problem are three major gaps to pass it on. The M Corporation service information in charge, not only provide a useful data but also offering case study and analyzes report for maintenance. This study takes into the engine, transmission, body, chassis and electronic systems to analysis malfunction frequency. Followed by Delphi questionnaire survey, we get a consensus and build the capacity of the system constitute index, each turn will construct a failure diagnosis mode, providing as reference to academic and maintenance.


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