  • 學位論文


The Application of Spatial Information System to Utilities Data Management (A case study of Taipei county)

指導教授 : 王隆昌


有鑒於國內道路施工及管線挖掘頻繁,而道路平整性及施工過程環境的破壞更為民眾所詬病,因此完整的道路挖掘管理及施工協調,乃為各政府單位積極施政之重點。然而一般目前政府單位在有限的人力、物力下,如何透過電腦科技之輔助,並完全融合入現行公務流程之中,發展完整之管線申挖管理系統,才能真正有效提升道路管線管理效率,並減少道路開挖及避免意外挖損地下管線導致危害公共安全事件。 本研究係以縣政府—鄉鎮市公所—管線單位三級制政府申挖流程管制為主要目標,透過實證研究方法,從國內相關研究文獻與系統發展進行課題分析,並首先以公務整體流程週期為主要觀點,從法規-施工-系統-資料-更新五大重點進行整體深入分析與研究,提出完整的制度流程改善,並搭配系統管制與輔助,一次解決長久以來各單位本位主義造成管線資料錯誤與各行其事的問題。主要內容包含公共設施管線資料庫調查暨建置、軟硬體環境規劃與建置、網際網路管線申挖管理系統開發及法規、施工制度面的配套機制重新檢討與規劃。 本研究成果並於臺北縣之三重市與蘆州市進行實例驗證,過程中必需不斷與管線單位溝通,除展現實施的決心,亦需解決管線單位工程實務的難題,得到許多寶貴經驗,讓各單位習慣於整體制度運作,並驗證實際推動的可行性。可以了解透過政府制度面的法規制定,使外業施工至完工資料更新作一致性考量,實務與系統完整結合,可提高管線單位的配合意願。且完全與工務習慣配合,降低推動阻力並提升親和性,才能真正落實整體機制及提昇政府效能,兼具未來管理之前瞻性。


Due to the frequent road constructions and utilities excavations that have to the deterioration of road and environment quality, complete road excavation management and construction coordination become a policy for which every government agency . With limited manpower and resources in the present government agencies, a computer aided management system for utilities excavation application incorporated into the current official procedure may improve the efficiency of road utilities management and reduce road excavation and public hazards caused by accidental damages to utilities. This study is primarily targeted at the control of excavation application in the county-township-utility agency, three-level government. Through empirical study relevant literature review and system development, this study first focuses on the entire official procedure period and then conducts analysis and research on five major aspects:regulation-construction-system-data-and update, A complete and improved system procedure is therefore proposed. With system control and auxiliaries, the long-time problem resulted from the sectionalism in each agency that leads to erroneous data and segregation is resolved. The primary content of the study includes establishment and investigation of public facility utilities database, planning and establishment of software and hardware environment, development and regulation of network system for utilities excavation application, and re-evaluation and planning of the corresponding mechanism for the construction system. The results of the study are verified in Shan-Chung City and Lujou City of Taipei County. In the process of system development, it requires continuous communication with utilities agencies. In addition to showing determination of execution, the author needs to solve the practical issues encountered by the utilities agencies and let each agency get used to the system operation. The feasibility of the system can then be verified. Through regulations of the government , a consistent procedure for data update from the construction to the completion of utilities projects can be established. This procedure not only incorporates practical and system aspects, but also enhances the willingness to coordinate among the agencies. The proposed system conforms completely engineering practice and, therefore, lowers the popularization and enhances friendliness. The integrated mechanism is put into effect and government efficiency is raised by the proposed system, a pioneer for future management.


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