  • 學位論文


Study of Building Fireproof Management and Establishment Knowledge Base

指導教授 : 林利國


針對建築物公共安全管理,內政部消防署分別於民國90年及93年,展開2次全國性公共安全檢查結果,發現不合格項目所占之比率,依序排列分別為特別安全梯佔23.8%、安全梯11.8%、內部裝修材料9.8%、防火區劃8.1%、直通樓梯7.6%及走廊(室內通路)4.2%等,由此顯示影響火災逃生動線遭破壞程度約占50%強。而民國92年8月31日發生之蘆洲大囍市社區火災造成之15死69傷之慘劇,卽是因使用易燃材料裝修、破壞防火區劃及設置鐵窗(門)使得逃生動線受阻,造成嚴重傷亡最好的例證。 探究公共安全管理不善之原因,乃因管理人員經管輪替,無法久任一職,防火管理經驗不夠、管理知識無法累積、防火管理資訊不足及現行建築物防火管理機制不符合社會發展需求等。有鑑於此,本研究導入知識管理之方法,彙整本研究分析所得,建立建築物環境防火管理概念模型、管理檢查機制、環境安全自主檢查及知識回饋機制,並依據消防法等相關法令規定納入,以解決環境管理所設定之議題。藉由知識庫模型之建構,將諸如「建物室外救災環境、基地救災環境、建物外牆開口管理、防火區劃、建物室內逃生動線及消防安全設備」等防火資訊,應用資訊網路建構出一套建築物在防救災規劃及建築物設備營運管理之雛型,以提供建物在完成後,無論在防、救災管理及維護上,均可經由本系統架構的建立,讓使用者、管理者、救災及建管單位等四方人員能在適當的時機,即時取得相關資訊,進而達到最佳的建物防火管理及災害的搶救效果。


建築物 防火管理 知識庫


National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior did two surveys on the public safety national wide in 2001 and 2004, respectively, to understand the public safety management in buildings. The results showed that the largest unqualified item in buildings was especial fire escapes (23.8%), followed by fire escapes (11.8%), interior modeling material (9.8%), fire wardens (8.1%), straightforward ladders (7.6%) and hallways (4.2%), suggesting that 50% of emergency facilities were destroyed, and thus affected survivors escape under a fire. For example, a series fire, caused 15 deaths and 69 injured, occurred at Ta-Hi community, Taipei county, on 31 August, 2003. The main factors of this disaster were the using of flammable materials, damage of fire warden, and establishment of grille. The major reasons for the unqualified public safety are too many take over of managing staff, insufficient fireproof experience and knowledge as well as the functions of current building fireproof do not meet the need of society development. This study is to build up the model of fireproof management, examination, and environmental self checkup. In addition, this research includes the model of database construction such as emergency facilities outside buildings, the management of entrance and exit of buildings, fire warden segment, an escape route and equipments of fire hydrants. The research of this database will provide immediate fire safety information to achieve optimal building fireproof management and make emergency rescue for the users, mangers, fire agency, and local government


building fireproof management knowledge base


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