  • 學位論文


The Mediating Mechanisms and the Boundary Effects of the Relationship between Recruiter Positive Emotion Expression and Organizational Attraction

指導教授 : 陳建丞


Rynes et al. (1983)曾以實驗法研究面試官心情與組織人才吸引力的關係,發現當應徵者面對正向心情的面試官時,將會知覺面試官是組織很好的代表、願意參加再次面試、願意接受公司錄取並認為面試官所代表的組織會善待員工。但過去以面試官情緒表達為主題的研究並不多見,本研究主要以應屆畢業生為樣本,以340位模擬應徵者為樣本,檢視面試官的正向情緒表達與組織人才吸引力的中介機制與干擾效果。研究結果部份的支持本研究假說,結果顯示,在中介機制探討部份,當面試官表達正向情緒時,應徵者知覺的P-O fit、P-J fit、P-R fit與應徵者正向情緒中介了面試官正向情緒表達與組織人才吸引力的關係;而在限制情境的探討部分,則發現應徵者將面試官正向情緒表達愈歸因於自己表現的程度以及應徵者知覺到的工作選擇機會,會正向強化面試官正向情緒表達對組織人才吸引力影響的強度。 在理論意涵部份,本研究在中介模型的研究,不僅對於認知相關理論(訊號理論、相似-吸引理論與社會認同理論)與情感相關理論(心情注入模型、情緒傳染理論與心情一致性理論)提供了實務上的驗證,並連接了認知與情感相關理論至招募、甄選的實務應用,同時也為招募與甄選的研究領域,建構了穩固的理論基礎。而在情境變項的研究結果,證實了應徵者認知的差異在面試官正向情緒表達對組織人才吸引力影響的路徑中,具干擾效果。也提醒了後續相關理論的研究,可繼續探討影響甄選面談的其他認知因素。 在實務意涵部份,本研究發現面試官正向情緒表達之類別可區分為:友善表情、打招呼、專注傾聽、營造和緩氣氛、讚美應徵者…等五類。建議面試官在與應徵者面談時,可藉由上述的五類表現方式,向應徵者表現高度的正向情緒,以提高組織人才吸引力。且企業人資部門可依據這五類正向情緒表達類別,對面試官施以如何表現高度正向情緒表達的訓練。中介機制研究結果發現應徵者知覺的P-O fit, P-J fit、P-R fit與應徵者的正向情緒,對於面試官正向情緒表達對組織人才吸引力的影響,皆具中介效果。所以面試官於面談過程中,要能夠適時加以介紹公司組織的特色與未來工作情形,尤其要能強調組織中好的一面與工作中適合應徵者的部分,以提高應徵者的P-O fit與P-J fit。並且藉由正向情緒的表達與傳遞,影響應徵者的P-R fit與正向心情,以使面試官藉由面談過程,提高組織人才吸引力。限制情境的研究則發現應徵者將面試官正向情緒表達愈歸因於自己表現的程度,以及應徵者知覺到的工作選擇機會,會正向強化面試官正向情緒表達對組織人才吸引力影響的強度。所以面試官應在面談時,可藉由稱讚應徵者過去的經驗或表現等方式,使應徵者對面試官的正向情緒表達作內在歸因,以正向強化正向情緒表達對組織人才吸引力的影響。而面試官對於一位擁有較多工作選擇機會的應徵者時,應表現更多高度的正向情緒以提高組織人才吸引力。本研究的結論中,並說明了研究限制與對未來研究方向的建議。


Rynes et al. (1983) studied the relationship of the affect of the recruiter with organization attraction by experiment method. Results indicated that recruiter behavior was consistently interpreted by subjects as a signal regarding their chances of getting a job offer, whereas job attributes exerted clear influence on perceived desirability of the job. Experiment indicated that recruiters might also influence the perceived desirability of the job. This research is based on 340 samples of imitated applicants, and examines the mediating mechanisms as well as the boundary effects of the relationship between recruiter positive emotion expression and organizational attraction.The research shows the result that when the recruiter expressed positive emotion, the applicant’s P-O fit, P-J fit, P-R fit and positive mood mediated the relationship of the recruiter’s positive expression and the attraction of the organization. As for the boundary effects, this research discovers that the applicant’s attribution of recruiter’s positive emotion expression and the applicant’s perceived alternatives moderated the relationship of the recruiter’s positive expression and the attraction of the organization. This research verifies the mediation model from realistic point of view and also provides solid theory fundamentals for recruiting. The result of moderation variables verifies that the applicant recogniztion diviation biases the effect of recruiter positive emotion expression. This research categorizes five types of positive emotion display. Recruiter can leverage these positive emotion displays to attract applicants. Furthermore, enterprise hunman resource department may provide this kind of training courses for recruiters to recruite good employee. Mediating mechanisms in this research reveals applicants’ P-O fit, P-J fit, P-R fit and positive emotion shows mediating effects in recruiters’ positive emotion v.s. organizational attraction. Therefore, during interview, proper introduction of organizational advantages, such as positive aspects of this organization, and job scope may attract applicants and increase applicants’ P-O fit and P-J fit, and then enhance the organizational attraction. The research of moderation reveals the positive feedback interaction between applicant and recruiter. The result shows that recruiter admires applicant achievement and expeience conduct applicant internal attribution and enhance positive emotion expression on organizational attraction. The conclusion shows the recruiter positive emotion expression provides much attraction for applicant who has more choice.


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