  • 學位論文


Research EuP to the influence factors of the life cycle in 3C industry

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


由於全球科技的急遽發展和進步,人類的營生過程對環境的影響已遠超過其自然復元能力,造成公害污染、資源銳減、進而危及人類的世代永續發展。因此人類對於環保的觀念日漸重視,尤其近年來國際間針對3C產品的規格開始加入綠色環保性的要求和國際標準。 對於綠色環保政策的實施,目前的重點則是歐盟另一項於2005年7月公告的EuP(能源使用產品生態化設計指令),並於2008年5月之後實施,是藉由規範能源使用產品的生態化設計要求,以提高產品的能源效率及環境績效。尤其台灣工業經濟的發展,主要是靠3C產品的代工,為使3C產品能符合EuP指令之各項實施措施,對3C產品提出環保要求,全方位監控該產品對環境的影響,減少對環境的破壞,達成其符合EuP的各項規定。 本研究藉由文獻探討,對於目前台灣3C產業在EuP的規範限制下,探討EuP的實施,對3C產品設計、製造、包裝、運輸、安裝與維護、使用及產品最終的廢棄階段之產品生命週期影響。先以專家問卷調查萃取出較顯著的影響因素,採用層級分析法(AHP)之架構,設計出研究問卷,並以模糊層級分析法(FAHP)之應用,評估各項因素之權重,進一步完成評定影響因素的權重高低,此可提供該產業在產品生命週期內,對週期流程做最有效的重點管制實施,從而達到減少環境破壞以及保護資源的目的,並達成符合EuP法規之參考。


Due to rapid development and improvement of worldwide technology, influence of living process for human beings damages ability of earth natural recuperating, causes pollutions, diminished natural resources, and even endangers human perpetual development for generations. Thus, men begin to pay more attention to environmental protection. Above all, these days, 3C products are required to be conformed to the green party of environmental protection according to international criterion. For policy of green environmental protection coming into operation, recent point is that EuP (Eco-Design Requirements for Energy Using Products) proclaimed by European Union on July, 2005 and bring into operation from May, 2008. Eco-design Requirement for Energy Using Product leads to raise efficiency of product energy in environment. In particular, development of Taiwan industrial economy depends on Original Equipment Manufacturer of 3C products. In order to make 3C products obey EuP policy, industry need to do is control and reduce the influence and damage to environment from products. The analysis shows what Taiwan industry does to 3C products design, manufacture, package, transportation, installation, maintenance , using, waste recovery and destrunction to meet EuP based on EuP system. Firstly, this report represents the influenced cause from proffecional research and survey by AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). Secondly, I estimate various elements by FAHP (Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process). Finally, I furthermore finish evaluating the influences. This report can help industry have control plan of cycle process of product lifecycle. The effect could meet the purpose to downer damage in environment and resource protection and to meet EuP rules.


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