  • 學位論文


A Study of Marketing Model Effect on Consumer Behavior of Taiwan Imported Wine Industry

指導教授 : 邱垂昱


近年來台灣越來越多人注意到紅酒的品飲,而葡萄酒酒商嘗試各種不同的行銷方式來推廣葡萄酒,仍然發現有能力購買的消費者對於葡萄酒購買意願並未提高,本研究的目的即在探討不同的行銷模式對於消費者的購買意願及購買行為之影響,以做為台灣葡萄酒商經營決策之參考。 本研究於民國 98年 7 月至 12 月,以網路取樣方式對台灣消費者和銷售商提出問卷訪查,包括245份網路問卷,12家法國酒莊親自訪問,4家葡萄酒商問卷調查。結果顯示:對紅酒有消費習慣的男性與女性各佔 60%和 40%,以31-40 歲和41-50 歲的兩個年齡層各佔 38.4%和 32.2%,有 55.1%和 38.8%的消費者教 育程度分別為大專/學和研究所以上,有 79.6%的消費者為受雇者以服務業佔比例最高,每月收 入在 60,000元以上和 40,001-60,000元的消費者各佔43.7%和 13.9%。64.9%的消費者「3個月以上」才購買葡萄酒,購買頻率較高的動機以「聚會」和「送禮」兩者各佔 47.3%和 23.7%最高,有 74.3%的消費者會購買紅酒為勝過白酒與香檳,而有51.2%和36.7%會從分別賣場與葡萄酒專賣店購買購買。結果發現酒商對於消費者的喜好預估的結果與消費者問卷結果有所出入,對於行銷模式與購買意願之影響有過於樂觀的評估,而針對行銷模式對於購買行為之影響有稍為悲觀的預測。對於行銷模式與購買意願之影響,消費者與酒商的認知較為一致,都是以「酒的品牌」為第一考量。但對於真正會影響消費者購買行為的行銷方式,消費者認為「促銷行銷」是會讓消費者決定購買的真正原因,而酒商卻停留在品牌才是最重要的,這是一個會錯失商機的一個重要的點,所以大部份消費者仍然會選擇常有促銷活動的賣場進行採購。


Recently, more and more consumer wants to test wine and wine sellers try different ways to sell. However, wine products are treated more like a luxury good for most people in Taiwan. This report analyze which marketing model can improve the consumer acceptance and hence the opportunities of sales. This research used questionnaire to investigate the consumption behavior from different social bases. The sample population included people who attend the expo of red wine products in Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation in July, 2009 and in December, 2009, along with 245 valid returns from the internet survey. The list of products ranged from 12 wine marker in French and 4 makers in Taipei. The result showed that 60% red wine consuming population was male and 40% was female. Also, 38.4% of the population was age 31-40 and 32.2% was age 41-50. For Education level, 55.1% of the populations hold university degree and 38.8% master education degree. 79.6% were employed. The salary of 43.7% of them had monthly income of 60 thousand dollars or above, and 13.9% had 40-60 thousand dollars monthly incometh. 64.9% consuming population has made a purchase of red wine within the recent 3months. The most popular occasion for red wine consumption was “friends and family gathering”, which is 47.3%. And 23.7% consumers would give red wine as a gift. 74.3% consuming population preferred red wine than white wine or champagne. 51.2% and 36.7% of the populatiopurchased wine in supermarket and wine store respectively. According to the survey we know that marketing does put the idea to the consumer but sale campaign and free wine tasting are the most decisive factor to increase sales.


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