  • 學位論文


The Research of Censorship on Architectural Fire Engineering Equipment Design Drawings and Fire BIM built

指導教授 : 施邦築


建築工程設計漸趨多元化,隨著都市高度開發、人口密度及樓層提高,使用需求的提升及對於人命財產的重視,消防設備在工程中佔有極重要地位,而消防設備規劃設計階段圖說周延與否,往往對工程整體的執行成效有極大影響,一個好的規劃設計案,可使各項作業得以順利地進行;反之,可能讓施工階段問題層出不窮,由此可見建築工程生命週期中,規劃設計階段為工程成敗之關鍵。 規劃設計之專業人員如建築師、消防設備師,各自著重建築技術規則、消防安全設備設置標準等不同領域法規,導致建築設計成果與消防設備常出現工程界面整合問題,消防圖說審查及消防BIM(Building Information Modeling)之建置,為確保建築工程規劃設計品質,有效界面協調,可降低工程變更設計風險,能有效地消除規劃設計圖不一致、遺漏、衝突或錯誤的問題,避免展延工期、履約爭議及產生調解、仲裁、或訴訟等情事。 建築工程消防設備規劃設計圖說審查及消防BIM之建置,以營建署100~101年度全程專業代辦之建築工程為例,依最新修正「各類場所消防安全設備設置標準」,佐以審查案例,建築工程界面查核,彙整與消防業管單位審查之差異,並以BIM探討設備及管線碰撞情況,俾免工程發包後辦理變更設計而影響施工品質,希望本文提出之相關資料與建議,能提供建築工程消防設備規劃設計及審查者參考。


Architectural engineering design become increasingly diversified, with the highly developed city, the population density and the floor increased use of improved demand and importance for the lives and property, fire-fighting equipment in the project occupies a very important position, and fire-fighting equipment planning and design stage drawings carefully considered, tend to project the overall execution results have a dramatic effect, a good planning and design of the case, allow the job to be smooth to conduct; Conversely, it may allow the construction phase problem in an endless stream, we can see construction life cycle, planning and design stage is the key to project success. Planning and design professionals such as architects, fire protection equipment engineer, each focused on building codes, fire safety regulations set standards in different areas, resulting in architectural design results often appear with fire-fighting equipment engineering interface integration issues, fire and fire BIM (building Information Modeling) drawings review the building, in order to ensure that the construction project planning and design quality, effective interface coordination, engineering changes designed to reduce the risk, can effectively eliminate the inconsistent planning design, omission, conflict or wrong question, to avoid extension of time, performance controversy and generate mediation, arbitration or litigation circumstances. Construction planning and design of fire-fighting equipment and fire BIM drawings examine the building to the CPA (Construction and Planning Agency) 100 to 101 years of professional agents throughout the construction, for example, according to the latest revised "set of Fire Safety Equipment Standards", accompanied by reviewing case construction interface checks, collection and fire operation unit examined the differences, and BIM explore equipment and pipelines collisions, serve free project contracts after processing design changes affect the quality of construction, I hope this paper the relevant information and recommendations, to provide construction project planning, design and review of fire-fighting equipment by reference.


