  • 學位論文

潛盾隧道工程施工風險評估與管理 以桃園機場捷運CU02A標為例

Shield Tunnel Construction Risk Assessment and Management , to the Taoyuan Airport MRT CU02A

指導教授 : 張寬勇


台灣地區卵礫石層分佈甚廣,自台北林口台地以南,三義至彰化八卦山、高雄地區及台東地區,皆有卵礫石層分佈。因此近年來台灣多項工程如捷運工程、台電輸配電地下管道及衛生下水道等利用潛盾機施工且通過前述卵礫石層之隧道工程,其施工位置位於卵礫石層之工作日漸增加。惟目前台灣潛盾工法於卵礫石層施工之經驗仍不足,致部份工程因潛盾施工遭遇卵礫石層時,使得潛盾機掘進困難及切刃嚴重磨耗等問題發生,造成工期延宕及成本增加等問題。尤其在人口密集、交通擁擠、地下管線密佈的都會區及國家門戶國際機場進行地下工程,如未能將地下工程可能面臨之風險及不確定性因素予以評估與處置,則建設未成,災害已至。 因此,本研究主要就「臺灣桃園國際機場聯外捷運系統建設計畫」桃園國際機場段CU02A標施工過程遭遇問題及實施風險管理機制檢討,並蒐集國內外風險管理理論,探討潛盾隧道工程施工期風險概率及潛在損失、工程施工對周邊建築物、管線及路面影響的分析與計算方法,進而研擬適用之風險管理模式,為後續風險量化推估,提供因應對策與管理機制。


Taiwan gravel layer is widely distributed, since the Linkou tableland south of Taipei, Sanyi to Bagua Mountain, Changhua, Kaohsiung and Taitung areas, there are gravel layer distribution. So in recent years a number of projects such as the MRT in Taiwan, Taiwan Power transmission and distribution underground pipes and sanitary sewer construction and other use of shield machine and through the gravel layer above the tunnel project, the construction of location work in the gravel layer increasing. However, Taiwan Shield Method on gravel layer construction experience is still insufficient, resulting in some projects because of construction by shield tunneling gravel layer, making driving difficult and shield machine wear and other cutting edge of serious problems, resulting in schedule delays and cost increase and other issues. Especially in densely populated, traffic congestion, dense metropolitan areas underground pipelines and national gateway to the international airport, underground works, ground works can be faced without the risks and uncertainties to the evaluation and treatment, the construction of nowhere, the disaster has been to . Therefore, this study on the "Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT System Construction Project" Taoyuan International Airport line CU02A standard construction experience problems and review the implementation of risk management mechanisms, and to gather domestic and international risk management theory, of shield tunnel Construction of risk probability and potential loss of construction on surrounding buildings, pipelines and road impact analysis and calculation method, and then develop models for risk management, quantitative risk estimate for the follow-up to provide response strategies and management.


Shield Tunne Risk Management Reliability Failure Mode Gravel


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