  • 學位論文


Technical Study on Electric Power Assemblage and Remote Monitor for the Electric Power Generation System of Ground Mechanical Green Energy Harvesting

指導教授 : 丁振卿


本論文主要分為兩部分,第一部分為針對本CCT實驗室所研發之三台地面發電裝置進行效率量測;第二部分為模擬多台發電裝置受行人踩踏後,將不穩定電力匯聚應用。在效率量測部分,本研究開發一套自動切換負載裝置,可針對不同的裝置更換負載值來量測特性曲線,並對切換負載裝置進行不同量測形式之誤差值探討,由結果顯示,脈衝式發電裝置之寸動與連續量測時誤差值分別為2.94與0.76%;一般式發電裝置之寸動與連續量誤差值分別為5.34與1.11%;低成本發電地磚之寸動與連續量測誤差值分別為3.35與1.15%,寸動量測較連續量測誤差值大,因電阻的誤差值是會隨著接觸電阻的次數越多而上升。在低成本發電地磚效率探討部分,以LabVIEW搭配切換負載裝置對低成本發電地磚進行效率量測,以氣壓缸模擬重量60kg的行人衝擊發電地磚,當衝程為5、7和10 mm時,其發電地磚之效率為1.24、1.15和1.07%,其最佳效率以衝程5 mm之效率1.24%為最佳。另外,在電力匯聚部分,以LabVIEW控制三台交流發電機隨機間歇性轉動,以模擬行人隨機踩踏到發電地磚之情形,將發電機所發出不穩定的電力經整流、穩壓和升降壓後,對蓄電池進行充電。當蓄電池完成充電後,再穩定提供電力給負載使用。最後使用LabVIEW對各台發電機進行電力監控,將所擷取到的資料透過LabSQL上傳至MySQL資料庫儲存,透過自行架設的PHP網路監控平台,可即時監控發電系統狀況。


CCT實驗室 電力匯聚 LabVIEW MySQL


This article has two parts: the first is working efficiency measurements of the three electric power generation apparatuses for ground energy harvesting developed by CCT laboratory; the second is to simulate multiple electric power generation apparatuses for assemblage of the unstable electricity. On the part of working efficiency measurements, this study developed an instrument for working efficiency measurement which can automatically change the resistor's value suiting for different devices to show their characteristic curves, and errors. The results show that errors of jog and continuous forms of the pulsed electromagnetic induction generator device are 2.94 and 0.76% respectively, errors of jog and continuous form of the general power generator device are 5.34 and 1.11% respectively, errors of jog and continuous form of the low cost generator device are 3.35 and 1.15% respectively. Error of measurement for the jog form is bigger than the continuous form due to the increment of the contact number with resistor. On the part of working efficiency measurements for the low cost generator device, by using LabVIEW to switch resistor device is applied. A pneumatic cylinder with stroke of 5, 7 and 10 mm is used to simulate 60 kg people who walk on the road. The working efficiencies are 1.24, 1.15 and 1.07% respectively. The best working efficiency appears at stroke 5 mm with 1.24%. Moreover, on the part of the electric power assemblage, controlling three AC generators for output electricity randomly to simulate situation of people walking onto the electric power bricks used LabVIEW for rectification, voltage regulation, and voltage step up/down, them charged the battery for use. Finally, using LabVIEW to monitor each generator and upload data to MySQL database through LabSQL, and building PHP website to show data on-line and real-time.


CCT Laboratory Electricity Assemblage LabVIEW MySQL


[1] International Energy Agency, http://www.iea.org, Visited: 8, April, 2014.
[8] World Energy Outlook 2013, http://www.iea.org/Textbase/npsum/WEO2013SUM.pdf, Visited: 2, April, 2014.
[11] A. Demirbas,” Electrical power production facilities from green energy sources,” Energy Sources, Turkey, 2006, pp. 291-301.
