  • 學位論文


Simulator Design for Flexible Manufacturing System with Multi-Section

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


彈性製造系統(Flexible Manufacturing System, FMS) 隨著生產設備的高度自動化以及群組技術(Group Technology)的運用,早已廣泛的運用於生產線上。由於生產技術不斷進步、產品需求日益激增、訂單交期愈加緊迫,生產系統的複雜度以及規模亦隨之增加。因此,多區段彈性製造系統(Multi-Section Flexible Manufacturing System)之雛形油然而生。   多區段彈性製造系統模擬器(Simulator)之設計,除需建構出製造現場運作之情境模式,尚搭配數種派工法則(Dispatching Rule),透過實驗性的方法,在電腦上建立虛擬的生產製造系統。藉此對於實際現場執行可能發生的事件與結果於事前進行可能事件之預防、相關數據之分析;另外結合仿真(Emulation)模式,針對模擬平台與實體設進行即時測試,提升實際建置系統時的速度與穩定性,以期達到仿真所具備的減少建置時間與降低建構成本等特性。   本研究在模擬器設計時,使用兼具數學基礎與圖形化狀態導向的彩色裴氏網(Colored Petri Net)作為建構分析工具,並且使用模組化設計(Modular Design)的概念,針對模擬系統內各設備模組建構模擬與仿真程式。期能以較具效率的方式,設計並建立屬於多段彈性製造系統控制單元之模擬器,做為該型態生產系統的即時監控以及模擬測試平台。


Thanks to the growing popularity of automated production system and group technology, FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System) has been extensively adopted to promote more efficient production. Due to the rapid development of production technology, increasing demand for products, and tightening production schedule, both the complexity and scale of production system are on the rise, leading to the birth of the prototype Multi-Section FMS (Multi-Section Flexible Manufacturing System).   In designing a simulator for a production system, certain manufacturing scenarios and dispatching rules need to be constructed and integrated through experiments into a virtual production system on a computer for predicting the possibility of certain events and reducing the occurrence of undesirable scenarios. Moreover, the simulator in its emulation mode can be connected to the production system to draw a vivid picture of the gap between the simulator and the production system, thereby improving the reliability of the simulation.   Applying the concept of modular design and adopting Colored Petri Net, which couple mathematic theories with graphic orientated characters, as the construction and analysis tool, the study aims to sketch the simulation program for each facility in a certain system. This study proposes a more efficient way to design and establish a Multi-FMS (Multi-Section Flexible Manufacturing system) simulator that can be used as a real time monitor and simulating testing platform for a specific production system.


FMS Simulator Emulatro Dispatching Rules Colored Petri Net


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