  • 學位論文


Using the TRIZ Evolutionary Trends to Propose the Concepts of Innovative Product — Cases Study for Server

指導教授 : 葉繼豪


由於工業的快速發達,造成企業對於伺服器的需求大量增加,但也因此有更多的廠商加入此市場,造成競爭激烈,產品生命週期逐漸縮短,產品利潤也逐漸減少;如何找出一創新產品和同業競爭者產品做一區隔,找尋出潛在的利基市場,才能獲取更大的產品價值。 本論文研究是以伺服器為對象,希望能用另一創新思考的方法設計產品,由於採用創新構思問題解決法TRIZ(Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)分析伺服器產業產品。首先先搜集以伺服器相關之專利當作資料庫,再利用TRIZ的37項演化趨勢參數為標準加以分類,伺服器相關之專利文件,再繪製成“演化潛力雷達圖”,觀察伺服器目前之演化極限,找尋出可能之潛化趨勢及利基市場,設計出創新之伺服器產品。 利用上述之研究方法求設計新產品,必須要先行研讀伺服器相關之專利,因此其設計之產品不但能規避現有的專利,更能利用其創新伺服器產品之設計方法申請專利,確保產保在此利基市場的獨佔性及高獲利價值。 本研究結果產生一模組化型式之電腦,而所產生之效應,不但兼顧一般刀鋒伺服器強調之穩定性及可擴充性,又俱備桌上型電腦之價格優勢,而模組化結構使得構造變得較為簡單設計彈性大,亦能縮短產品開發時間,在未來設備及規格升級方便且快速。因此能為企業產生企業競爭優勢及擴大市場新商機,而此新規格之制定及應用更能為企業帶來企業形象之附加價值。


Because of industry is developed fast, cause the demand for the server of enterprises increase in a large amount, but more manufacturers join this market, cause the competition to be fierce, products lifetime shorteneds gradually, the products profit is reduced gradually too .How to find out an innovative product , design the differentiation product to competitor and looking for the potential market of niche to obtain bigger products value. The research case is in server industry, we wish use a new innovation design rule to design new product, so we apply TRIZ(Theory of Inventire Problem Solving) method to study the server products. The first, to collect the patents which relate server. Base on the TRIZ 37 evolutionary trends method to analysis the server patterns then make the evolutionary potential radar plot. Check the limitation of server evolution and find out the evolutionary trend and potential market, design the innovative products. Utilize the method to design new products, we have to research the patterns which relate server products in first. Therefore the new products not only can avoid to infringe the patents, but also apply new pattern by new innovate design method on server products to make sure to hold the exclusive business and get the high profit margin on the niche market. This result of study produces the modular computer model, the new product is not only stable and flexible as blade server , but also the cheap as the price of the desktop. The structure of modular computer model can also shorten the design period, so it can produce enterprise's competition advantage and expand the new business market.


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[1] 中華民國專利資訊網(TWPAT)--- http://www.twpat.com/webpat/
