  • 學位論文


Combined Performance M&V with Android System and Cloud-Computation for Chillers

指導教授 : 柯明村


在現今能源價格波動受到大眾的關切,環保意識逐漸上升,我國各類建築主要用電多為空調,因此空調系統的節能改善與改善後的即時追蹤為本研究的主要目的,本研究將針對ASHRAE 第14號準則(ASHRAE Guideline 14)中,有關評鑑冰水主機的方法進行探討,該準則提出之方法可根據現場監測數據,推演出能夠精確預測與評估運轉中冰水主機之效率的迴歸方程式,以應用於節能工程改善前之基準線(Baseline)之建立,或改善後(post installation)冰水主機之於某種狀態下運轉的效率預測,以提供冰水主機改善專案之節能績效計算與驗證,本研究將利用ASHRAE 第14號準則所提供之冰水主機績效量測與驗證迴歸方程式,產出一套冰水主機迴歸與耗能計算軟體。並結合最新的手機雲端科技建構一套『Android智慧型手機結合冰水主機績效量測與驗證之雲端概念系統』,來達到遠端即時監控與改善後即時耗能量計算,使冰水主機系統能夠在第一時間做出最好的調控與紀錄,避免過度的能源消耗或造成嚴重的故障,進而達到隨時隨地即時監測與長期資料庫建立與節能量之維護。


Recently, world energy cost is dramatically increasing due to the flourishing of environmental protection consciousness. The international energy cost has evidently grown spontaneously, which will have large impacts on the public and private sectors, regardless of industry. Therefore, it is very important to investigate energy consumptions ,energy pre-improvement and energy post- improvement in time.This research attempts to figure out an chiller performance verification approach based on ASHRAE Guideline 14 The criterion brings up a derivative method to precisely predict and assess running chiller’s regressive equation in efficiency by on-the-spot monitoring data, and can be applied to set up Baseline for the energy-conserving project before improving or predicting post installation running chiller’s under a certain state efficiency in order to offer an energy saving efficient calculation and verification for chiller’s improvement This study constructs an energy calculation software by ASHRAE Guideline 14 and combines smartphone network technologies into a real-time monitoring system called 『Android APP Chiller Real-Time-Tracing System』so that the user can know causes of faults, and the user can clear the fault instantly. Thus, the water chiller system can be regulated and controlled promptly, so as to avoid excessive energy consumption or more severe faults to attain the goal for real-time monitoring and data-base establishing.


Chiller Smart phone Network technologies M&V


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